How to migrate Android devices between the different deployment modes of Mobile Device Manager Plus?


Mobile Device Manager Plus is available as a stand alone on-premises product, on-cloud as well as an add-on to ManageEngine's UEM solution, Endpoint Central. If you are currently using any of the mentioned versions of MDM and are looking to migrate to another version, follow the steps given below.


Enable Agent Migration profile

To migrate your Android devices between the on-premises products Endpoint Central and Mobile Device Manager Plus, you will have to enable a profile "Agent Migration". Follow the steps given below to enable it

  1. Stop the ManageEngine Mobile Device Manager Plus server
  2. Download the XML file available here
  3. Open command prompt, navigate to the directory \MDM_Server\bin
  4. Execute the command- ExecuteQuery.bat
  5. Start the Mobile Device Manager Plus server
  6. On the MDM server, navigate to Device Mgmt -> Profiles ->Create Android profile
  7. At the end of the page, you'll be able to find the Agent Migration policy

If you are using the Cloud version, contact our support team to enable the Agent Migration policy.

Migrate Devices

To initiate the migration process, in the Agent Migration policy, follow the steps given below

  1. On the server to which you wish to migrate your devices, navigate to Enrollment ->Samsung Knox Enrollment.
  2. Copy the JSON available on the page, and paste it in the agent migration policy on the existing server.
  3. You will be able to download a CSV file with a list of devices that are currently managed.
  4. Change the group names to move devices to groups created in the new server. Moving devices to new groups will automatically associate the profiles, apps and content distributed to the group.
  5. This will automatically move the Android devices to the new server.