OS updates for mobile devices is vital as it usually provides a whole lot of improvements as listed below:
It further ensures the enterprise needn't keep supporting older OS versions. However, unattended OS updates bring in the following issues:
With MDM MSP, you can choose to automate and schedule OS updates on the managed devices while ensuring employees cannot manually update the device OS, letting you have complete control over the OS updates. MDM MSP provides multiple options to ease large-scale OS updates in an enterprise.
In case of a patch for a serious security vulnerability, you can choose to have the OS update deployed on all devices immediately without any delay. For ensuring enterprise app compatibility, you can choose to deploy the update on a test group of devices and delaying the update on other devices for a specified period of time. Once the testing is complete, you can update all other devices present in the organization.
To prevent OS updates from affecting bandwidth/productivity, you can choose to specify a window to schedule the OS updates. You can provide details such as duration etc, for this window and ensure the updates happen only during non-work hours. You can also notify the device users regarding the update and also, let them temporarily skip it as well. Click here to know more about automating OS updates