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Configuring Access to the Remote Database

You can access the Mobile Device Manager Plus database remotely to get certain information. For example, assume that you require information from the database to help you to generate specific reports that are not readily available and cannot be generated using the Custom Reports feature. You can access the database used by Mobile Device Manager Plus to get this information.

This database is generally located in the Mobile Device Manager Plus server. You can access this database remotely. However, not everyone has permission to access the database. Only administrators can grant access to computers to connect to the database remotely.

When you are granted permission you can only read the information that is available in the database.

Granting or Revoking Access

This section applies only to administrators.

As an administrator, you may grant or revoke access for computers to access the database, in Mobile Device Manager Plus, remotely. You should grant Read-only access. The user should not be given permission to make changes to the database.

This access may be granted only to allow a user to gather information required to create reports that are not readily available and cannot be created using the Custom Reports feature.

It is highly recommended that you check the usage status periodically and revoke the access to the database from users who:

  1. Do not require to access the database
  2. Have access to the database but are not using it


To grant or revoke remote access to the database in the Mobile Device Manager Plus server, follow the steps given below:

  1. On the web console, click the Admin tab
  2. In the Global Settings section, click Remote DB Access
  3. In the Remote Computer Name field, enter the name of the computer to which you want to grant remote access
  4. If the computer, from which a user is accessing the database remotely, is in a domain that is different from that of the database, specify the computer name along with its DNS suffix. For example, john.mobiledevicemanagerplus.com

  5. In the Access Type section, select Grant or Revoke, as required.
  6. Click Save

You have granted or revoked remote access to the database in the Mobile Device Manager Plus server.

Connecting Remotely to the Database

You can use any ODBC tool like sqlyog to connect remotely to the database in the Mobile Device Manager Plus server. Ensure that the computer from which you are trying to establish a remote connection has been granted access before you try to connect to the database

Checking for Computers With Access

To view the list of the computers which have been granted access to connect remotely to the database in the Mobile Device Manager Plus server, follow the steps given below:

  1. On the web console, click the Admin tab
  2. In the Global Settings section, click Remote DB Access
  3. Click the Computers that have been granted remote access link

You can now see a list of computers which have been granted access by the administrator to connect remotely to the database in the Mobile Device Manager Plus server.

Details Required to Connect Remotely

You require the following details to connect remotely to the database in the Mobile Device Manager Plus server:

  1. MSSQL / PGSQL Host Address: This refers to the name of the computer where the database server is running. Unless the database server is running in another computer, the host address will be the same as that of the computer where the Mobile Device Manager Plus server is installed and running.
  2. Username: This refers to the username that you are required to enter to connect remotely to the database.
    The username to connect to the PGSQL database is medc.
  3. Password for PGSQL database : The default password is medc which can be modified.
  4. Port for  : This refers to the port number that is required to connect to the database.
    PGSQL port details - This refers to the port number that is required to connect to the database. By default, the port number is 9028. If you have changed the number of the port, specify it before trying to establish the connection to the database.
  5. Database(s): This refers to the name of the database that you want to connect to remotely. You should enter MDM in this field.
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