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Personalize Mobile Device Manager Plus

Mobile Device Manager Plus provides users with the functionality to configure user accounts based on personal priorities and requirements. The settings option enables you to change an existing password, set the session time.

These settings are user-specific and each user can have their own settings.

  • To personalize, select the Admin tab --> Personalize link on the web console.

To change the password

  1. Enter the existing password in the Old Password field.
  2. Enter the new password in the New Password field.
  3. Enter the new password again for confirmation in the Confirm Password field.
  4. Click the Save Changes button.

The new password get updated. Subsequently, you have to use the new password to login to the client.

To set the session time

  1. Select the session expiry time in hours from the Session Expiry Time combo box to the desired value.
  2. Click the Save Changes button.

The session expiry time gets updated.

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