How to request for Android Bug Reports from the MDM server?


Bug Reports contain information such as device logs and diagnostic data which are crucial for identifying and fixing issues. This may also contain sensitive data such as the app usage statistics, location, etc. MDM lets you collect Bug Reports from managed devices, which can be e-mailed to IT admins.


  • Devices must be running Android 7.0 or later versions and provisioned as Device Owner.
  • Bug Reports must be permitted under Admin tab -> Privacy Settings -> Device Privacy on the MDM server.


  • On the MDM server, go to Inventory from the top menu. Click on the Action dropdown from the top right and choose Request Bug Report from the options.
  • Provide the e-mail address(es), Problem description (if any), and Ticket ID for reference. Click on Send Bug Report request and on Close in the next step.
  • The Bug Report request is sent successfully. On the device, the user receives a notification from MDM to allow access to the Bug Report when prompted. After the user's consent, the reports are sent to the specified e-mail address(es). The e-mail contains the Bug Report and the fields Device name, Ticket ID, and Problem description.
  • In case the user denies the request, click on the Resend Request button from the top right, to request the user again.


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