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    Get down to the details

    Get full visibility into the crucial changes made to your Active Directory groups with detailed reports and intuitive graphs and charts.

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    Ensure compliance

    Generate and deliver preconfigured compliance reports for regulatory standards such as SOX, HPAA, PCI DSS, FISMA, GLBA, the GDPR, and ISO 27001.

  • Audit group membership changes

    Track and report on membership changes to distribution groups with details on recently added or removed members, who added or removed them, when, and from where.

  • Monitor critical changes

    Detect all changes to your distribution groups including group type and scope changes, unauthorized modification or deletion of critical groups, and more.

  • Scrutinize group object history

    Pull up the detailed history of changes made to distribution groups with reports containing information on the old and new values of modified attributes.

  • Get instant alerts

    Get notified in real-time via email or SMS about critical changes made to your distribution groups by enabling instant alerts.

Get granular audit details of all distribution group changes using our AD change auditing tool.