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    Workforce productivity tracking software

    Calculate and maintain documentation on every employee's work hours by collating details of their first login and last logout times.

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    Hunt for insider threats using UBA

    Use machine learning to spot unusual employee behavior like first time remote access to a host, atypical login activity time, and more.

  • Track employee time and attendance

    Keep records of the billable hours of your workforce by closely monitoring their actual work hours, login and logout details, and more.

  • Audit employee computer activities

    Maintain accountability by analyzing employee computer start up and shut down times along with details like shutdown type, who initiated it, and when.

  • Monitor user activity in real time

    Track employee activities like login failures, RADIUS logons, file and folder modifications, account lockout trends, and much more.

  • Detect malicious user actions

    Besides analyzing employee tardiness, you can also proactively spot high-risk activities like a spike in login failures, repeated account lockouts, unusual login times, and more.

Monitor and track employee performance with the help of our employee time tracking software.