User Creation Templates - Advanced Options in Exchange Tab

    This section explains the advanced options like mailbox permissions or rights and MS Exchange Server 2010/ 2013/ 2016 policies that can be configured while creating Exchange Mailboxes for the new Active Directory user accounts that are being provisioned.

    Specify Mailbox Rights / Permissions

    Mailbox rights allows to set permissions on users access to mailboxes. Using the native tools, you can set mailbox rights only after creating users,  but with ADManager Plus you can provide the mail box rights even as you create new users.

    Perform the following steps:
    1. Set Mailbox rights can be found in the 'Exchange server' tab of user templates. This applies to mailbox enabled users.
    2. Click on 'mailbox permissions' link.
    3. View the available permissions and click on 'Add More Permissions' to configure more permissions.
    4. Select the operation either 'Allow' or 'Deny', select the object, select the permissions from the available list, select the scope of the operation.
    5. Click on 'Add', to add the permissions.
    6. Click OK to save the permissions.

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    Set Exchange 2010/ 2013/ 2016 Policies

    1. Click on AD Mgmt tab.

    2. In User Management --> User Templates --> Click on User Creation Templates.

    3. Click on 'Create New Template' link to configure a new template or click on the appropriate template in which you wish to configure the Exchange 2010/ 2013/ 2016 policies.

    4. In User creation template, click on the Exchange tab.

    5. Select the 'Mailbox Enabled User' option.

    6. In Exchange 2010/ 2013/ 2016 Policies Field Group: Select the appropriate options in all the applicable polices viz., Sharing Policy, Role Assignment Policy, Retention Policy and UM Policy settings.

    7. Click on Save Template to save the changes.
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