Move / Delete Terminal Services Home Folders / Profile Paths
This feature lets you perform the following actions for users individually as well as in bulk:
move TS home folders to a desired location.
delete TS home folders and clear their associated AD attributes.
move TS profile paths to a desired location.
delete TS profile paths and clear their associated AD attributes.
You can also specify whether or not you want to retain a copy of the TS (Terminal Services) home folder or TS profile folder in its original location.
Click the AD Mgmt tab.
Select the User Management link, located in the left pane.
Click the Move/Delete TS Home Folders link available under Bulk User Modification.
a. If you want to move TS home folders to another location:
-Click the Move TS Home Folder option.
-Select Move TS Home Folder To.
-Specify the location where you want to move the TS home folders in the field provided. Only Universal Naming Convention path is supported. The format should be: \\file-servername\shared directory name
-Select Retain a copy in the original location, if you want a copy of the TS home folder to exist in its original location as well.
b. If you want to delete TS home folders:
-Click the Delete TS Home Folder option.
-Select Delete TS Remote Home Folders.
c. If you want to move TS profile paths to another location:
-Click the Move TS Home Folder option.
-Select Move TS Profile Path To.
-Specify the location where you want to move the TS profile paths in the field provided. Only Universal Naming Convention path is supported. The format should be: \\file-servername\shared directory name
-Select Retain a copy in the original location, if you want a copy of the TS profile folder to exist in its original location as well.
d. If you want to delete TS profile paths:
-Click the Delete TS Home Folder option.
-Select Delete TS Roaming Profiles.
Select the domain (and specific OUs, if you do not wish to perform this action for all users in the domain) to locate the users whose TS home folder/TS profile path attributes have to be modified.
You can use either of the following options to specify the users:
a. Import a CSV file containing users' details.
-Click CSV Import.
-Choose the appropriate CSV file from your computer.
-Click Go.
b. The built-in Search option.
-Enter the names and click Search. To list all the users available in the selected domain (or OU), simply click Search without typing anything in the field.
-Select the desired user(s) from the list and click Apply.