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Application-centric infrastructure monitoring

These are the questions asked during "Application-centric infrastructure monitoring" training.


  • What is the difference between Dependency Map View and Business View? Can we create a dependency view or does it get created automatically? Dependency view and Business view are mostly similar. Based on interconnections between applications, servers, databases, etc. in your infrastructure, it will automatically create network dependencies and create a view. If additional apps or devices have to be attached to, you can edit the view and update them. Additionally, there is an option to create the Business View manually.
  • Is it true that Machine Learning detection is an anomaly prediction? Can we lower the severity of Machine Learning detection to lower than critical? Yes, you can alter the machine learning profile criteria's based on the requirements and suit your needs specifically.
  • What is the difference between health and availability attributes and how they can be used to report alarms? Availability involves checking the connectivity of the applications from the Applications Manager machine. If the monitored applications or the device is not reachable, Availability will be shown as Down. Whereas, Health depends on all the attributes monitored within the applications. If you have set any thresholds for the monitored attributes, it will affect the health of the monitor once these thresholds are breached. Learn more
  • Does Applications Manager support monitoring for FreeRADIUS applications? We do not have out-of-the-box monitoring for FreeRADIUS application in Applications Manager. However, you can try using custom monitors to check the feasibility.
  • How can I configure the mobile app so that I get notifications only from my monitor groups and not all the servers, similar to the desktop app? By default, when monitors become critical, the status of the associated Monitor Group will be affected. Therefore, you should receive only one notification from the Monitor Group in your mobile app.

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