Rebranding EventLog Analyzer's Web Client
If you are a MSP/MSSP, retaining the trust of your customers is important. Third party applications you hosted as your brand services, should not send confusing signals questioning the reliability of the applications. So, the applications should be rebrandable to your brand. ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer lives up to this expectation. The client UI can be rebranded.
Customize your Web Client logos, images & links
EventLog Analyzer lets network administrators to customize the web client. You will be able to view the customized web client unique to your enterprise. EventLog Analyzer provides Web Client customization feature. This feature enables you to customize the web client with the details specific to your company/enterprise adding value to brand of service.
Customize EventLog Analyzer Web Client
EventLog Analyzer lets you to change the default web client UI logo to the logo of your enterprise. You can change the images (for example: PDF image) to your enterprise specific one. You can change the default support and other links to the links specific to your enterprise by customizing the web client. With this, the enterprise/MSSP can change the web client to suit their needs.