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Privacy Settings

Using Privacy Settings, you can enable or disable the GDPR configuration settings, enable or disable password protection for exported reports and allow or deny permission for EventLog Analyzer to collect your product usage statistics. 

GDPR Configuration settings.

To enable or disable the GDPR configuration settings,

  1. Go to Settings > Admin Settings > Enable GDPR compliance checks.
  2. Click on Save

Password protection settings for exported reports.

To enable password protection for exported reports, 

  1. Go to Settings > Admin Settings > check on the "Enable password protection option for redistributed and exported reports" checkbox.
  2. Enter the desired password in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" box.
  3. Click on Save

To disable the password protection for exported reports,

  1. Go to Settings > Admin Settings > uncheck on the "Enable password protection option for redistributed and exported reports" checkbox.

  2. Click on Save.

Product usage statistics collection settings.

To allow or deny permission for EventLog Analyzer to collect your product usage statistics,

  1. Go to Settings > Admin Settings > check or uncheck the Allow EvenLog Analyzer to collect your product usage statistics checkbox and click on Save.

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