Firewall Analyzer - License Information

    • Standard Edition - Delivers comprehensive reports based on syslog data for a wide range of firewall vendors.
    • Professional Edition - Offers detailed log reporting along with rule and configuration management insights for various firewall vendors.
    • Enterprise Edition - Provides advanced log reporting and rule/configuration management tailored for distributed network environments.

    Once installed, Firewall Analyzer runs in evaluation mode for 30 days. You can obtain a registered license for Firewall Analyzer at any time during the evaluation period by contacting Firewall Analyzer Support.

    Upgrading your License

     After you log in to Firewall Analyzer, click the Upgrade License link present in the top-right corner of the screen. The License window that opens, shows you the license information for the current Firewall Analyzer installation.

     The License window displays the following information:

    • Type of license applied - Trial or Registered
    • Product version number
    • Number of days remaining for the license to expire
    • Maximum number of devices that you are allowed to manage

     Before upgrading the current license, make sure you have the new license file from ZOHO Corp. saved on that system.

    1. Browse for the new license file, and select it.
    2. Click Upgrade to apply the new license file.

    The new license is applied with immediate effect.

     Contact or for any license-related queries.

     If you want to monitor Firewall device in High Availability mode, ensure that Firewall Analyzer is bound to one source (that is a single IP Address/host name), then that source is considered as one device license.


    Each Virtual Firewall (vdom) monitored separately will be considered as one Firewall device for license purpose. If the Virtual Firewall is combinedly monitored with physical device as one Firewall device source and not as separate Virtual Firewall, then the physical device source will be considered as one Firewall device for license purpose. You can configure this option in the product.


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