Cisco catalyst 6500 Configuration

    The following is the configuration if you are using a Native IOS on your Cisco switch Supervisor Engine 720:

    Config t
    mls netflow
    mls nde sender version 5
    mls aging long 64
    mls aging normal 32
    mls flow ip interface-full
    mls nde interface

    ip flow-export destination {NETFLOW_SERVER_IP} {NETFLOW_SERVER_LISTENER_PORT}
    ip flow-export source {LOOPBACK_INTERFACE_NAME}
    ip flow-export version 5
    ip flow-cache timeout active 1
    ip flow-cache timeout inactive 15
    snmp-server ifindex persist

    Enter global configuration mode on the router or MSFC, and issue the following commands for each interface on which you want to enable flow:

    interface {INTERFACE_NAME}
    ip flow ingress

    With Supervisor Engine 2T:

    Config t
    flow exporter ManageEngine
    destination {NETFLOW_SERVER_IP}
    Export protocol v9
    source loopback {LOOPBACK_INTERFACE_NAME}
    data template timeout 60

    flow record ManageEngine
    match ipv4 tos
    match ipv4 protocol
    match ipv4 source address
    match ipv4 destination address
    match transport source-port
    match transport destination-port
    match interface input
    match interface output
    collect routing source as
    collect routing destination as
    collect routing next-hop address ipv4
    collect ipv4 source mask
    collect ipv4 destination mask
    collect transport tcp flags
    collect counter bytes
    collect counter packets
    collect timestamp sys-uptime first
    collect timestamp sys-uptime last

    flow monitor ManageEngine
    record ManageEngine
    record exporter
    exporter ManageEngine
    cache timeout active 60
    cache timeout inactive 15

    Enter global configuration mode on the router or MSFC, and issue the following commands for each interface on which you want to enable flow:

    interface {INTERFACE_NAME}
    ip flow monitor ManageEngine input