ESX Server 3.5 (VMware) Configuration

    You can configure ESX Server 3.5 (VMware) using the following steps:

    1. Prepare ESX Server for NetFlow configuration.

        Make sure the VMkernel TCP/IP stack is properly configured and that a VMkernel virtual interface
        (vmknic) exists on the network where your collector is located.
        The ESX Server implementation of NetFlow uses the ESX Server TCP/IP stack to send NetFlow packets in the network.

    2. Load the NetFlow module. Enter the following command:

      vmkload_mod netflow

    3. Confirm that the NetFlow module is loaded. Enter the following command:

      vmkload_mod -l | grep netflow

    4. Configure NetFlow

      Use the application called net-netflow for the remaining configuration steps. The application is located

      in /usr/lib/vmware/bin/ and takes multiple parameters, as shown in the following example:

      net-netflow -e {VSWITCHNAME}