Release notes

NetFlow Analyzer 12.5

Release Notes Readme

New features and improvements:

  • Support for new devices: NetFlow Analyzer now supports Layer 7 for Palo Alto devices.
  • Forecast report: Foresee bandwidth requirements and traffic patterns, and proactively prevent bottlenecks and traffic spikes with NetFlow Analyzer's Forecast report.
  • One-click flow export: Users can now configure flows from the UI using the Predefined and Custom Flow Export options on a single click.
  • Switch to distributed architecture in a single-click: Upgrade from Essential to Enterprise Edition on a single click with the Distributed Monitoring Feature.
  • Inventory Updater: Create tasks to fetch device details at any scheduled time with Inventory Updater.
  • Inventory report: Users can now schedule and monitor in-depth interface details on the go with the new Inventory report.
  • Help tips and horizontal view: NetFlow Analyzer UI gets a new look with the horizontal tab view and we've added help tips for every Settings page, making our user-friendly UI even more user-friendly.
  • User defined data units: NetFlow Analyzer now supports user-defined data units based on industry standards for speed/volume-based graphs.
  • ServiceDesk Plus integration: You can now log ServiceDesk Plus and ServiceDesk Plus MSP tickets for alerts which can be auto-assigned to any technician, making troubleshooting easier.
  • Traffic group reports: You can now generate criteria-based search reports for interface and IP groups.
  • Predict raw data retention: You can now calculate the estimated raw data retention period based on your free disk space.
  • New device templates: Over 40 new devices have been added to the configuration database, making direct flow export quick and effortless.
  • Support for Cisco Meraki: NetFlow Analyzer extends support for Cisco Meraki devices to monitor real-time network traffic and provide bandwidth usage reports by applications, APs, users and protocols.
  • sFlow support for Huawei router: NetFlow Analyzer now out-of-the-box supports sFlow monitoring on Huawei routers.
  • Enterprise edition released: The Enterprise Edition for the latest version of NetFlow Analyzer has been released.

NetFlow Analyzer 12.2

  • User interface improved: The latest version reduces number of clicks to navigate within the UI and makes troubleshooting easier and faster. For eg., now you can generate report from inventory page for particular device or apply ACL from device snapshot page itself.
  • Added "Report profiles":NetFlow reports added "Report profiles" option to add bulk filters and manage the most important reports at single location.
  • Network configuration manager add-on to manage all the configuration changes along with change management & compliance management has been added to both the editions.
  • Export to PDF: Option to export as PDF from reports is available for more reports now.
  • Auto-refresh for zoomed traffic graphs: This feature is an enhancement to give all the graphs in device snapshot page respective to selective time interval.
  • Improved SNMP v3 support: SNMP v3 support was available and now improved.
  • New tree view for CBQoS policies: The tree structure for CBQoS policies gives policy hierarchy for better classification.
  • Accessibility to reports from device page: Option to export PDF is also available from device snapshot page for faster reporting.
  • Telnet/SSH access from UI: Telnet/SSH access to devices is now made available from web UI itself.
  • Complete support for Wireless LAN controller: Support for WLC monitoring is improved.
  • Cisco IP SLA monitors improved: Support for IP SLA monitors is improved.
  • Night mode CCTV view: This new feature brings low contrast screens to monitor critical items that needs constant monitoring.
  • One click schedule: This option is available from snapshot page to improve usability.
  • One click flow export: Getting started becomes simpler with single click option to export flows.
  • SSID based reporting: This option is made available for WLC monitoring.
  • Added AD integration: For user management, AD integration is added.

NetFlow Analyzer 12.1

  • New easy-to-use web client for both editions: NetFlow Analyzer has made navigation between tabs even more easier with greater visibility and control over network data and thus, makes it more reliable and user friendly.
  • High Scalability:NetFlow Analyzer Essential & Enterprise edition (each collector) can now scale upto 100k flows/sec.
  • Network configuration manager add-on to manage all the configuration changes along with change management & compliance management has been added to both the editions.
  • Tight integration with network management solution: This enhancement has brought bigger benefits by managing your entire network infrastructure with single exe for all the available softwares by availing very tight integration with ManageEngine OpManager.
  • Wireless LAN Controller monitoring: This feature is now available as add-on to take control of your wireless APs and LANs for better management of enterprise bandwidth.
  • End User Bandwidth monitoring: Introducing this feature as BETA to monitor end-users bandwidth usage which has enhanced the way of troubleshooting excessive bandwidth usage better.
  • Collaboration tool added: Group chat is now available at free of cost to interact within teams to resolve/assign the issues in more simplified way. Alerts can be discussed with the help of this tool.
  • Newly added settings for Network Mapping: Now you can create visual view of network maps with the help of this setting and add network devices and priority links to get live status of your network links.

NetFlow Analyzer 11.0

  • Application-level traffic shaping capabilities: NetFlow Analyzer can now reconfigure its QoS policies with traffic shaping techniques, to ensure critical business apps are served on priority. It allows to shape traffic via ACL or class-based policies(Service Policy) to gain control over the applications consuming unwanted bandwidth. Shaping bandwidth is also done at interface and router level.
  • ACL configuration for CISCO IOS device:Access control list can be viewed at device, interface and Layer 4 apps page to filter IP packets based on source & destination address rule. If there is a match in one of the access list statements, the ACL either permits/deny the traffic.
  • CBQoS configuration for CISCO IOS device: This feature allows to create new class with "match statement" and "match criteria" and apply policy to the created class from the web GUI itself. It also allows to delete or modify the existing policy. Service Policy can be viewed from Devices, Interface, Layer4 apps & Layer7 apps and QoS page along with Preview option.
  • One click flow export: "Add devices" facility from the NetFlow Analyzer, lets users to discover routers and switches and configure them to export flows from the web console itself— in just a single click. This reduces the energy to export it manually from devices and saves time.
  • Alert profile configuration for attacks: Now it is possible to create email and SMS notifications for DoS attacks. Add alert configuration from settings and generate alerts which satisfy defined criteria, thus notifying users about attacks in real time.
  • QoS level configuration: DSCP value can be configured to classify the traffic and shape it to ensure high priority for business critical apps.

NetFlow Analyzer 10.2.5

  • Heat Maps: Heat maps in NetFlow Analyzer helps to visualize the health status of all the interfaces in a single page. It uses color codes to depict the severity of the monitored devices.
  • QoS graphs:QoS graphs displays the real-time information of interface traffic in graphical format. This helps to get a better view of your interfaces and applications performance.
  • API Client Enhancements: This release includes various enhancements to the existing UI such as add & edit options included in IP Groups, Interface Groups & Alert Profiles, add option included in DSCP & App Groups, option to add, edit & delete User Management, new segment named "Attacks" added inside Settings comprising of ASAM Setting, manage Config, and threshold Setting.

Note: All the above mentioned features are available in Essential and Large Enterprise Editions. For Enterprise Edition, this release is just incluces the scalability enhancements that got released in 10.2.

NetFlow Analyzer 10.2

  • High Scalability: NetFlow Analyzer can now process up to 100,000 or 250,000 flows per second from a single installation, thus eliminating the need to have multiple collectors. The scalability limit varies depending on raw data storage needs.

    The high scalability engine can process up to 100K flows per second with raw data storage. And without raw data storage, it can scale up to 250K flows per second.

  • New API driven UI: The high performance Fluidic user Interface is ready to use. Built on a new JavaScript framework powered by ember.js, the new ultra-fast UI offers high performance and productivity.

NetFlow Analyzer 9.9

  • Cisco AVC monitoring reports - NBAR2 application reports, HTTP host reports, QoS class hierarchy reports, ART reports
  • Support for Cisco NBAR2(Ability to identify 1000+ applications by default)

NetFlow Analyzer 9.8.7(Main focus is on the Enterprise edition)

  • 'All Collectors' option on Central Server
  • Across top stats ft. showing stats from across all the collectors in the Central Server dashboard
  • Interfaces & Interface groups across collectors can be added as a dashboard widget
  • 'Across Top Stats' - 18 new parameters have been added
  • Viewing all devices in the Central Server in one single view along with the drill down options
  • Create device groups from across collectors
  • Consolidated utilization based reports for IP groups

NetFlow Analyzer 9.8.6

  • Flow rate graph - View in the UI
  • Service Pack Release
  • IPv6 support is extended to more reports

NetFlow Analyzer 9.8.5

  • Localization of reports

    The reports can be generated and viewed in the time-zone that is local to that region

  • Themes

    New and attractive themes have been added to enhance user experience

NetFlow Analyzer 9.8

  • HighPerf Reporting Engine

    The HighPerf Reporting Engine is a very powerful add-on to NetFlow Analyzer that enhances its raw data and reporting capabilities by leaps and bounds

  • NetFlow Configurator

    It is now possible to configure your flow exports from the GUI of NetFlow Analyzer itself.

NetFlow Analyzer 9.7

  • IP SLA VO Support

    IP SLA video operations is now supported

  • Billing module enhanced

    Interface groups in the 'Billing' module is now possible

NetFlow Analyzer 9.6

  • Enhancements in the Advanced Security Analytics Module

    Source network and destination network based anomaly detection. Ignore events for all resources. IPV6 support.

  • Muticast reporting

    IP Multicasting allows a host to send packets to a specific group of hosts.

  • Mediatrace OnDemand

    Display the path of an IP flow, on the go. No configuration is required for the monitors. Get Mediatrace reports instantly.

NetFlow Analyzer 9.5

  • Revamped User Interface

    The look and feel of NetFlow Analyzer's user interface has been modified for better user experience. The tab views help easy navigation.

  • Cisco's Medianet reporting

    Cisco's Medianet is an end-to-end architecture that is capable analyzing voice, video and data traffic and report on loss, latency and jitter thereby helping you optimize rich media applications.

  • Support for AppFlow protocol

    A standard for application monitoring and reporting that doesn't require network taps or span ports.

  • Ability to create and monitor IP groups using WAN RTT monitor

    Using WAN RTT monitor, you can create specific IP groups for the IP address or IP range monitored. This way, you can monitor both latency and the number of flows for a specific IP address or range.

  • On-demand billing in Capacity Planning Reports
  • Performance tuning of product through user interface
  • Edit Threshold Settings in WAN RTT monitor
  • Generate on-demand bills in capacity planning reports.
  • Option to schedule Capacity Planning reports and Medianet reports

NetFlow Analyzer 9.1

  • Advanced Security Analytics Module

    Advanced Security Analytics Module (ASAM) is a network flow based security analytics tool that helps detect and classify the network intrusions to tackle network security threats in real time. With enhanced features like:

  1. Anomaly detection based on Source IP and Destination IP
  2. Heuristics based event classification that includes Denial of Service Attack,Host Scan, Port Scan, Diagonal Scan and Grid Scan
  3. Enrichment of events with location details(Geographical and Topological) for Offender IPs and Target IPs
  4. Customized user interface for white listing problem specific Flows and Events(Ignore Events and Discard Flows)
  5. Customized User Interface that includes
    - Enable/Disable specific Problem
    - Enable/Disable specific Algorithm
    - Enable/Disable Resources
  6. Algorithm Settings
    - Customized Algorithm specific Threshold configuration
    - Algorithm specific Offender/Target Field configuration
  7. Location(EventList report)
    - Customized Topological configuration for Offender IPs and Target IPs
    - Offender/Target Location Mode settings
  8. Security Posture dashboard - Problems & Time Lines
    - Listing all the Problems with the Events(with Pie Chart) and
    Resources(with Bar chart) for each Class
    - Multi-line graph of Time showing occurences of Events, Resources and Problems
  9. Offenders & Targets dashboard - Resources & Time Lines
    - Lists all the Resources along with the Events(Pie-Chart) and problems (with Bar chart) for each Algorithm Type
    - Multi-line graph of Time showing occurences of Events, Resources and Problems
  10. Problem Analysis dashboard
    - Lists all Resources along with the Events(with pie chart) for the specific Problem
    - Multi-line graph of Time showing occurences of Events and Resources
  11. Resource Analysis dashboard
    - Lists all problems along with the events(with pie chart) for the specific Resource
    - Multi-line graph of Time showing occurences of Events and Problems

ASAM is an add-on module with NetFlow Analyzer, therefore, does not need any additional hardware investment. Read More...

NetFlow Analyzer 9.0

  • Wide Area Application Services

    Cisco's Wide Area Application Services(WAAS) optimizes the performance of TCP-based applications in WAN. NetFlow Analyzer interprets optmized data from Waas Central Manager with netflow data to provide in depth visibility in optimization of WAN Applications. It also reports on complete distribution of applications optimized by any WAE in series with routers exporting netflow.

  • WAN Round Trip Time(RTT) Monitor

    WAN RTT (Round-Trip-Time) monitors Link Availability and Round-Trip-Time over links with threshold violation alerts to ensure best performance of WAN traffic all times. Graph based reports with information on packet loss, timeout and connection error along with NetFlow statistics helps in quickest ever troubleshooting of network issues.

  • Branch Office Monitoring

    Verify availability and up time of your links to branch offices using a combination of WAN RTT and NetFlow Analyzer's IP Group. WAN RTT will measure connectivity from a source to an IP Group created with your branch IP Addresses, helping analyze not just link performance but also find the problem cause using conversation reports for the IP Group.

  • IPv6 Flow Format

    IPv6 Addressing support - Future ready network monitoring by supporting IPv6 flows data.

  • Capacity Planning Enhancements

    Application Growth Report in Capacity Planning - See the time wise split of top 10 applications used on your interfaces

  • Creating Alert Profile with IP Address as Criteria
  • Report Filter Enhancements
  • Option to map IP addresses to site names
  • Scheduling Options for Compare Reports and Report Profiles
  • Support for Radius server Authentication in MSSQL
  • Enhancements to Consolidated Reports
  • Network Snapshot Improved with Widget for Top N Alerts
  • String Search Option for IP groups
  • Custom Selection Option in Device Reports

NetFlow Analyzer 8.6

  • Capacity Planning Report

    "Capacity planning" helps you to understand the traffic trend over a period of time. This, in turn, helps you to predict the traffic growth in your network and if the traffic growth is business-critical. Capacity plans allows you to take informed decisions for upgrading bandwidth pipes in your network.

  • Report Profiles

    Report profiles helps you create custom reports as per your need. You can have as many profiles as the need be. These reports are device specific. You can only view different reports for one device in one particular profile.

  • Top Sites

    This gives a list of applications and the various sites visited through these applications.

  • Compare report include 95th percentile

    You can see the 95th percentile data in the "compare reports". Standard deviation values have been added in this report.

  • Selection box for list of application
  • Compare report should include 1,5,15 min reports
  • Resolve NATED Addresses in ASA reports
  • Re sizeable columns
  • Configures CBQoS automatically for first 20 routers
  • Schedule Reports CSV option
  • Geo location PDF and CSV
  • Schedule Business hours for last month and week
  • Standard Deviation calculation in Traffic Report
  • Interface performance dashboard
  • Add custom URL widget in Dashboard

NetFlow Analyzer 8.5

  • Advanced Security Analytics Module

    Advanced Security Analytics Module (ASAM) is a network flow based security analytics tool that helps in detecting network intrusions and classifying the intrusions to tackle network security threats in real time. ASAM is an add-on module with NetFlow Analyzer, therefore, does not need any additional hardware investment. Read More...

NetFlow Analyzer 8.0

  • IPSLA (VoIP)

    Monitors the key performance metrics of the VoIP network to determine its health. The parameters measured include Jitter, Latency, Packet Loss etc. Read more on how VoIP monitoring with NetFlow Analyzer helps...

  • SNMP V3 support

    Support for SNMP V3 has been added in this release. Cisco SNMP v3 has brought in security enhancements. Other important features of SNMP v3 are message integrity, authentication and encryption.

  • FNF - NBAR integration

    Any router which supports Flexible NetFlow (FNF) can export NBAR data. The advantage of using FNF is the ability to get NBAR details without SNMP polling. NBAR data can be obtained along with the traffic usage details. Read more...

  • V9 Sampling

    NetFlow Analyzer now does NetFlow V9 sampling as well!

  • Cisco ASA

    NetFlow Analyzer now supports Cisco ASA (ISO version 8.2 onwards). More details...

  • CBQoS Child Policy and PDF option

    This is an enhancement to already existing support for Cisco CBQoS. Now, NetFlow analyzer lets users create child policies under parent policies and also, CBQoS reports can be exported as PDF

  • Geo Locations reports of IP Addresses

    Resolves and groups IP addresses into groups of countries. Lists the traffic usage and bandwidth utilization of the link by the IP address from separate countries

  • Single Click Scheduling Option

    Scheduling the reports have made much easier. It can be done with a single click on the report that has been generated.

  • Network Layout using google maps and Google map widgets

    Devices can be located on google maps and a click on the link between devices will give details about the link utilization and more. It also gives an easy understanding of the geographic distribution of your network devices. Read more...

  • More Graphical Widgets and some new Widgets added in Dashboard

    The widgets have become more graphical, it is now easier to interpret data.

  • Sampling rate accounted during the flow calculation

    Flow calculation also takes sampling rate(defined by the network administrator) into account

  • Global search for IP Address link

    Type in the IP address of the source / destination / network... or any of the given choices and Voila! you will get Traffic IN and Traffic OUT details for the particular IP address

  • Operator specific Dashboard permissions

    Operators and guest accounts can also create dashboards

  • Top N AS reports
  • Last 15, 30 Min reports
  • 1, 5, 15 Min averages in traffic report
  • Consolidated report for a device
  • Localization

Service pack to move to NetFlow Analyzer 9.5

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