Disk Space Monitor                                        

    Disk Space Monitor utility of OpUtils software provides information on disk space utilization.

    To check a Server's Hard disk space usage

    1. Click the Settings -> Tools tab

    2. Choose the System Explorer available under Network Monitoring category.

    3. Select the Disk Space Monitor from the tree

    4. Enter either the IP Address or the Host Name of the device in the text field.

    5. Enter the SNMP Community String.  

    6. Click the Show button.

    7. Check the results. The System Space Summary displays details in a table and a graph for easy understanding. The table displays the Drive Name, the Total Space, Used Space and the Available disk space in GB. The adjacent pie-chart graphically displays the total used space and the available disk space


    To retrieve data, the system should be SNMP enabled and the SNMP agent should have implemented HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.