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What is a rainbow table attack?

Written by Melvin MonachanMFA4 min read

On this page
  • Rainbow table attack defined
  • How does a rainbow table attack work?
  • What is an example for a rainbow table attack?
  • Rainbow table attack vs. dictionary attack
  • How to prevent a rainbow table attack
  • Thwart rainbow table attacks with ADSelfServicePlus
  • People also ask

Rainbow table attack defined

A rainbow table attack is a type of password attack used to crack password hashes stored in databases or other storage systems. Attackers use premade rainbow tables filled with plaintext passwords and their corresponding hash values to quickly find a matching plaintext password for a given hash value.

The key advantage of this method is that it demands intense computational resources and time but only during the hashing process. Once the hash values are generated, this method does not require much computing power or time when compared to brute-force attacks, which require tremendous processing power throughout the password attack process.

Rainbow table attacks exploit passwords that are stored using weak hashing algorithms (for example, the MD5 hashing algorithm). Hashed passwords can also be obtained from a leaked database that are often available to download from torrents or dark web forums. This provides attackers with a set of hashes to compare against the premade rainbow tables.

How does a rainbow table attack work?

  • Premade tables: Rainbow tables contain pairs of unhashed passwords and their corresponding hash values generated using multiple hashing algorithms.
  • Comparison of hash values: Attackers retrieve hashed passwords, often from leaked databases, and then compare them against the entries in the premade rainbow table.
  • Match identification: When a matching hash value is found in the rainbow table, the corresponding plaintext password is identified.

What is an example for a rainbow table attack?

A real-world example of a rainbow table attack is the Ubuntu Forums attack in 2013. In this security incident, the attackers were able to gain unauthorized access to the Ubuntu Forums database, which contained the usernames, email addresses, and the hashed passwords of two million users. The attackers exploited an SQL injection vulnerability in the vBulletin (forum management software) used by Ubuntu Forums during the time of attack.

The passwords stored in the database were hashed using the MD5 hashing algorithm, which was quick but also susceptible to rainbow table attacks as the hashes generated by this algorithm could be decrypted using a dedicated MD5 rainbow table.

After the attack, the admins at Ubuntu Forums sent emails to all the forum users informing them about the attack and the compromise of their forum passwords. The forum users were advised not only to change their forum passwords but also to update the passwords on any other websites where they may have reused the same password (to prevent a potential credential stuffing attack).

Rainbow table attack vs. dictionary attack

Although they sound similar, rainbow table attacks and dictionary attacks couldn't be more different in the realm of password cracking methods, from the method of gaining access to the resources required for execution.

Rainbow table attack Dictionary attack
Method of gaining access
This method gains access by using a premade list of password hash values. This method uses a premade list of potential passwords.
Slower Faster
Success rate
Similar to the dictionary attack, this password cracking method has a higher success rate if the password is a weak one. It requires significant time to crack a stronger password and, even in that case, the success rate is ambiguous. This method has a higher success rate if the password is a weak one and may not work if the password is complex.
Resources required for execution
This method requires greater computing power and time for creating the table. However, it requires significantly less during the execution. Dictionary attacks require less computing power and time.

How to prevent a rainbow table attack

  • Hash salting: Hash salting is the process of adding a random value to the plain text password before it undergoes hashing. This makes it difficult for attackers to utilize rainbow tables in password cracking, because the salt value varies for each password even if the actual passwords themselves are identical.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA): Enable MFA wherever possible. This adds an additional layer of protection by requiring a second form of verification in addition to the regular password.
  • Implementing a lockout system: Implement a system that automatically locks user accounts after a series of unsuccessful login attempts. This measure helps thwart attackers from repeatedly guessing passwords.
  • Using complex passwords: Avoid using simple passwords that be guessed easily. This reduces the chances of it being already mapped in a generic rainbow table available online.
  • Using strong hashing algorithms: Utilize strong cryptographic hashing algorithms such as bcrypt, Argon2, or PBKDF2. These algorithms are designed to be slow and resource intensive, making it more difficult and time-consuming for attackers to generate rainbow tables.
Enhance password hygiene with effective password management using ADSelfService Plus

Thwart rainbow table attacks with ADSelfServicePlus

ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus offers adaptive MFA with 20 different authentication factors, helping you keep rainbow table attacks at bay. MFA can be deployed to enhance security across a variety of applications and systems, whether on-premises or in the cloud.

The Password Policy Enforcer allows administrators to set standards that enforce rules regarding special characters, length limits, character repetition, and patterns. You can even upload a password dictionary and block users from choosing a password that is present in the dictionary. This promotes a more resilient line of defense.

People also ask

Where is a rainbow table used?

A rainbow table is used in a password attack method called a rainbow table attack. Attackers use rainbow tables to accelerate the process of reverse engineering hashed passwords by pre-computing pairs of unhashed passwords and their corresponding hash values.

Can a rainbow table crack any password?

No, a rainbow table cannot crack any password. Rainbow table attacks do not work with passwords that have been hashed using modern hashing algorithms such as bcrypt or Argon2.

How big is a rainbow table?

Rainbow tables are large, often ranging from several gigabytes to terabytes in size.

When were rainbow tables invented?

Philippe Oechslin introduced the concept of rainbow tables in 2003 through his research paper titled Making a Faster Cryptanalytic Time-Memory Trade-Off.


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