Adding Microsoft 365 tenant manually

To add a new Microsoft 365 tenant to SharePoint Manager Plus, you will need the admin tenant URL. Using any other URL than the tenant URL will result in a connectivity error. An ideal tenant URL will look like https://<TenantName> Click here to see how to find Tenant URL.

Adding Microsoft 365 tenant manually

  1. Navigate to the Admin tab and click Microsoft 365.
  2. Click the manually configure Microsoft 365 Tenant link.
  3. Provide the Admin Tenant URL.
  4. Specify the Microsoft 365 admin user credentials.
  5. Click Save.

At any point, you can add additional farm servers by navigating to the Admin tab > Configuration > Farm Server > Add Farm Server. For adding a Microsoft 365 server, navigate to the Admin tab > Configuration > Microsoft 365 > Add Microsoft 365.

Mandatory permissions required to add a new Office 365 server

To add a Microsoft 365 server to SharePoint Manager Plus, a user must have the following:

  • Global Administrator permissions for the tenant environment.
  • Site Collection Administrator permissions for all the site collections.


  • Sharepoint Administrator permissions.
  • Exchange Administrator permissions for the tenant.
  • Site Collection Administrator permissions for all the site collections.


  • Sharepoint Administrator permissions from the M365 admin center.
  • Audit Logs and View-Only Audit Logs roles from the Exchange admin portal.
  • Site Collection Administrator permissions for all the site collections.

How to assign the Global Administrator role

  1. Sign in to Microsoft 365.
  2. Go to the Microsoft 365 admin center page.
  3. Go to Users > Active Users.
  4. On the Active Users page, select the user who needs to be assigned the Global Administrator role, and click Edit.
  5. Click Settings. Under Assign role, select Yes. In the drop-down menu that appears, select the Global Administrator option and then save the setting.

How to find the tenant URL?

Go to Microsoft 365 admin center, Select SharePoint under Admin center in the left navigation pane. Click on Show all in case SharePoint is not shown in the left Navigation pane.

From the SharePoint admin center page, get the URL from the address bar of the web browser which would typically look like https://<TenantName>

Adding Microsoft 365 tenant manually

Delete everything after '.com ' in the URL to get the tenant URL. So for the above example, the tenant URL will look like: https://<Tenant Name>

Azure Application

Use Azure application method if the account is MFA enabled or conditional access policy is enabled in the Azure portal. Please follow the steps given here to create an Azure application manually.

Adding Microsoft 365 tenant manually

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