• The rise of multi-cloud and the security challenges it brings
  • The need for unified monitoring
  • Multi-cloud monitoring for multiple clients
  • Capabilities of Log360 Cloud MSSP

The rise of multi-cloud and the security challenges it brings

The cloud revolution is well underway, with organizations increasingly adopting a multi-cloud approach. This strategy leverages the scalability and agility of public clouds like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to meet their specific needs. Many organizations are also looking at a hybrid cloud approach that leverages the scalability and agility of the cloud, along with the security and control of on-premises infrastructure. A survey by Flexera in 2023 revealed that 87% of enterprises have adopted a multi-cloud strategy, and 72% utilize a hybrid cloud approach. This flexibility often translates to a sprawl of cloud accounts, encompassing not just core infrastructure services but also collaboration tools like Microsoft 365.

However, this multi-cloud reality introduces a significant challenge: security monitoring. The sheer volume of data generated across these disparate environments can be overwhelming, leaving security gaps and blind spots.

The need for unified monitoring

According to a survey by Algosec, 61% of organizations reported managing the security risks across a hybrid cloud environment as one of their greatest challenges. This fragmented visibility becomes even more concerning when we consider the ever-evolving threat landscape. IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report highlights that breaches in cloud environments average a cost of $4.35 million. These figures underscore the necessity of comprehensive monitoring to mitigate security risks effectively. It is crucial to have a unified platform that can consolidate and monitor data across all cloud services and on-premises environments.

Multi-cloud monitoring for multiple clients

Monitoring an organization’s multi-cloud environment is already a complex task, that challenge multiplies when MSPs need to oversee multiple client's infrastructures. This is where Log360 Cloud MSSP, a unified cloud SIEM solution designed specifically for MSSPs, comes into play.

Capabilities of Log360 Cloud MSSP

Log360 Cloud MSSP offers a suite of features tailored to the needs of MSSPs managing multiple client's cloud environments:

Comprehensive log collection and secure log retention: This solution aggregates logs from various sources and offers secure log retention. Some of the log sources are:

  • Cloud sources like AWS and Microsoft 365
  • Databases like SQL server and Oracle
  • Security applications like Malwarebytes, FireEye, McAfee, and more, providing a holistic view of the entire IT landscape.

Advanced correlation: Log360 Cloud MSSP correlates data from different sources to identify patterns and detect anomalies that might indicate security threats. This correlation capability is essential for identifying complex attack vectors that span multiple environments.

Alerts: Log360 Cloud MSSP generates real-time alerts for any suspicious activities, ensuring immediate attention to potential threats. These alerts are promptly communicated to MSSPs via email or SMS. Additionally, predefined workflows can be configured for all alert profiles, enabling automatic responses to stop attacks instantly.

Scalability and multi-tenancy: Log360 Cloud MSSP is designed to scale with your business needs. It supports multi-tenancy, allowing MSSPs to manage multiple clients securely and efficiently from a single, unified console. The centralized dashboard offers real-time data on log upload trends, log source summaries, and client storage details. MSSPs can effortlessly switch between client views and the MSSP view through a simple drop-down menu.

Customizable dashboards: The solution includes centralized dashboards that help gain visibility into the security posture of all the clients, providing actionable insights. This helps MSSPs monitor their client's environments at a glance and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Cloud compliance: Ensuring compliance with various regulatory requirements is a critical aspect of managing cloud environments. Log360 Cloud MSSP has audit-ready compliance report templates, violation alerts, and secured log archival options to meet the requirements of mandates such as FISMA, PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, and more.

One unique selling point for Log360 Cloud MSSP is that it does not rely on account-based or unit-based pricing models, Log360 Cloud MSSP charges based on storage usage. This flexible pricing approach can offer significant cost savings and ensures that MSSPs only pay for the resources they actually use.

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