Heading: Automatic update of Chrome browser is not enabled
By default, updates are automatically applied to Chrome when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check. This misconfiguration appears when any other option other than "Always allow updates" is selected for ""Update policy override default" policy in Google Update. Resolve this misconfiguration to keep the Chrome browser automatically updated to prevent your systems from known and emerging exploits
Chrome Security Hardening
Follow the below steps to resolve the misconfiguration.
1. Start regedit
2. Navigate to Key Path: HKLMSoftwarePoliciesGoogleUpdate Value Name: AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes Value Type: Boolean (REG_DWORD) Value Data: 10080 or less, but not 0.
Does remediation require reboot?
Vulnerability Manager Plus tracks security configurations and remediate misconfigurations in your network systems from a centralized console. View a list of all the security misconfigurations detected by Vulnerability Manager Plus.