Unable to Add Domain

Unable to reach AD connector


You are trying to add domains in the SoM of Endpoint Central MSP. You have selected the network type as Active Directory and specified all the required information. However you are unable to add the domains. The error message that you see on the screen is, 'Unable to reach AD connector'. You cannot install the agent in the SoM.


Your Endpoint Central MSP server will not be able to reach your AD Connector for the following reasons;

  1. When the machine in which your Distribution server (configured as AD Connector) is running is down.
  2. When the Distribution Server service is not running.
  3. Distribution Server is unable to reach the Endpoint Central Server.
  4. The port configured for the Distribution Server is blocked.


You can resolve this issue as follows:

Check and ensure that the machine in which the Distribution Server is running is live.

  • From Endpoint Central server try pinging the Distribution Server using the machine name/IP/FQDN.

Check and ensure that the Distribution Server is running

  • Open services.msc and ensure that the Distribution server is running else start the service.

Check and ensure that Distribution Server can access the Endpoint Central Server.

  • From the machine where the Distribution Server is installed, open command prompt and type the following command and check if the server is reachable telnet (server name/IP/FQDN) (port number)
    Example: telnet 8045
  • From the machine where the Distribution Server is installed, try accessing your Endpoint Central web console.

Check and ensure that the port configured for Distribution server is open.

  • From the machine where the Distribution Server is installed, open command prompt and type the following command and check if the server is reachable telnet (server name/IP/FQDN) (port number)
    Example: telnet 8057 
    If your telnet is unsuccessful, then verify your port settings in Admin tab -> Server Settings -> Central Server Settings --> Check the Notification Server Port number.

Unable to resolve this issue?

If you still have troubles in resolving the issue. Contact support desktopcentral-support@manageengine.com

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