This document explains you about the optimizing the RAM memory consumption for PostgreSQL database. This is applicable only for customers running Device control Plus on PGSQL database. Performance of PGSQL database, is mainly determined by the amount of RAM memory consumed. Device control Plus requires a minimum of 4GB as the default RAM memory. If you have surplus RAM memory, then you can choose to customize the RAM memory consumption. Increasing the memory consumption, will allow the back end operations to be performed faster, this will impact the other services/applications running on the same computer. Assume, you have 12GB as memory of your RAM and Device control Plus uses only 4GB by default. You can customize this settings on the Device control Plus server. You can increase the memory consumption upto 80%, which means you can increase the RAM memory consumption limit upto 9.6GB in this case. Increasing the RAM memory consumption to 80% does not mean, that the RAM memory will not be shared for any other operation. The consumption will be determined only based on the operations performed on the Device control Plus server. If the back end operations running in the server does not consume the specified memory, it can be utilized by other applications.
You can customize the memory consumption settings by clicking Admin tab, and choosing DB Optimization under Global Settings.