Email Verification

Email verification is enabled by default, allowing users to enter the verification code sent to their primary or secondary email addresses, with which they registered during enrollment, in order to prove their identity.

Note: Identity360 uses email verification as the default MFA authenticator. Users will be instantly enrolled for email verification using their primary email address or User Principal Name from their associated directory, and it cannot be disabled until after initial setup.

Steps to edit Email Verification

  1. Navigate to the Application tab and go to Multi-factor Authentication > Authenticators Setup..
  2. Select Email Verification.
  3. Click the Edit icon to modify the email verification settings.
  4. In the pop-up that appears, click the Select OTP Length for MFA Verification drop-down menu to specify the number of characters in the OTP.
  5. Check the Allow users to resend emails with OTPs box to permit users to resend the OTP email. They will only be able to resend the email 30 seconds after the delivery of the previous email.
  6. Specify the number of OTP emails that can be sent per MFA or enrollment session in the Set number of email attempts for MFA verification during login or enrollment field.
  7. Click Save to finish setting up the email verification authenticator.

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