Steps to create a business view with application monitors

To configure a business view with the application monitors, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Maps > Business Views > Create New.
  2. New Business View - ManageEngine OpManager

  3. On the left-side panel, click on the drop-down arrow named Business View. Scroll down, and select Applications.
  4. Application Business View - ManageEngine OpManager

  5. On the same left-hand panel, OpManager will list the monitors added in the APM plug-in.
  6. APM Monitors Business View - ManageEngine OpManager

  7. Drag the individual objects to the business view area and arrange them to fit your architecture.
  8. Create Business View - ManageEngine OpManager

  9. Draw the dependencies, if any.
  10. Business View Dependencies - ManageEngine OpManager

  11. Configure additional settings related to names, icons, labels, etc. by double clicking on the individual objects.
  12. Business View Configuration - ManageEngine OpManager

  13. When done, click on Save. You will find the business view of your applications monitors on the Business Views page.
  14. Application Monitors Business View - ManageEngine OpManager

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