Database Settings

    Database backups act as a data recovery measure and help you mitigate data loss incidents. ADManager Plus allows you to schedule and automate database backup in no time.

    To schedule a backup,

    1. Navigate to the Admin tab.
    2. In the left pane, click Database Settings located under General Settings.
    3. In the database backup/configuration page, click the Database Backup tab.
    4. Enable Schedule Database Backup to backup ADManager Plus' database at a set date and time.
    5. Select the frequency at which you want the database to be backed up.
    6. In the Backup Storage Path field, specify the local or shared folder where you would like to store the backup file.
      • Check the Authentication Required option and provide the required credentials if the specified shared folder requires permissions to store the backups.
      • If the shared folder is located on a workgroup computer, then create a new domain account in AD. This new account should have the same username and password as a local account on the workgroup computer. Use the credentials of this new account for authentication.
      • If the specified path is wrong or unreachable, the backup will be stored in the default backup folder (<Installation_Folder\Backup>).
    7. Select the retention period for the backup file using the Maintain Backup Files drop down menu.
    8. Check the Notify when database backup fails option to notify the administrator when the scheduler fails to backup.
    9. Once done, click Save to save the configurations.

    Database Settings

    1. Click the Backup Now button to instantly backup the database.
    2. Navigate to the Database Configuration tab to find details of the configured database.
    3. If you have MS SQL database configured, the backup data will either be stored in the default MS SQL database backup location (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL. n\MSSQL\Backup, where n is the number of the server instance) or the location you have manually added while setting up the MS SQL server.

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