Modifying Help Desk Technicians

    As and when needed, help desk technicians configured in ADManager Plus can be modified to suit the needs of your organization. You can add or remove roles assigned to them, modify their administrative boundaries (domains/OUs) and assign or remove account creation and modification templates delegated to them.

    Based on the requirement, you can

    Modifying a single help desk technician

    1. Log in to ADManager Plus and navigate to the Delegation tab.
    2. In the left pane, click Help desk technicians.
    3. From the list of help desk technicians available, locate the technician that you would like to modify and click the edit icon placed in the Action column.
    4. In the Edit Help Desk Technician page, click the Add Description button next to the help desk technician's name to add a description.
    5. In the top-right corner, click the email address displayed next to the Email Address field to modify the technician's email address.
    6. In the Delegate roles for the domains section, you can perform the following actions:
      • You can select the domains where you would like the technician to perform the delegated tasks.
      • You can restrict the technician's rights to specific OUs in the delegated domain by selecting the desired OUs in the Select OUs field.
      • For each OU, you can select the relevant roles that you wish to delegate to the technician.

        Note: You can assign different roles in different OUs by clicking the + icon.

      • You can assign appropriate templates to the technician in the Assign templates field and set any template as the default one by clicking the action icon adjacent to the template name. You can check the Impersonate as Admin option if you would like the technician to carry out tasks with Administrator privileges in Active Directory.
    7. Specify the file servers for which this technician can manage the permissions in the Select file servers field.
    8. Specify the AD groups that this technician can manage using the Add/Remove link located beside the Visible groups field.
    9. Click Show Advanced Settings and enable the Display LAPS information in reports option if you would like the technician to view the local administrator password and expiration time in AD Explorer and Workstation Computers report.

      Note: If you'd like for technicians to export LAPS password in reports, navigate to Admin > General Settings > Security and Privacy > Enable Allow technicians to export LAPS password in reports.

    10. Click Save Changes.

    Bulk modification of help desk technicians

    This option allows you to modify the settings - the roles, administrative boundaries (domains/OUs/groups) and account provisioning/re-provisioning templates - of multiple help desk technicians at once. Further, while modifying the help desk technicians, you can choose to either append to the existing configurations or replace the existing one with new settings.

    To bulk modify help desk technicians,

    1. Click the Delegation tab.
    2. Click the Help desk technicians link.
    3. From the list of help desk technicians available, select all the technicians that you wish to modify.
    4. Click the bulk edit technicians button located below the help desk technicians list.
    5. In the bulk edit technicians page, click the edit icon located beside the Selected Technicians field, if you wish to edit the list of technicians that you have selected for modification.
    6. Select the required domain.
    7. Add the desired OUs, roles and templates by clicking the edit icons placed beside the corresponding fields.
    8. Click the Update button to save the changes.
    9. Assign appropriate templates to the technician using the add/edit templates link.
    10. Specify the AD groups that this technician can manage using the add/remove link located beside the visible groups field.
    11. Click Save Changes.
    Note: If the 'append' option (in the link located above the OUs, Roles and Templates field,) or the 'Replace the existing settings for this domain' option is selected, if you do not choose any value for the OUs, Roles and Templates, all the existing settings of the technicians will be removed, and they will not be able to perform any task/role in the selected domain.

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