Applying Security Roles

    Once created, the security roles act as a template which can then be applied to users to grant or revoke permissions as defined in the role. Follow the steps below to delegate the security roles

    1. Select Delegation tab and Click the Delegate Security Role from the Quick links. This opens the Delegate Security Role Wizard.

    2. Click Go to Step1.

    1. All the available users, groups, and computers of the selected domain are listed. Select the security principals (users, groups, and computers) for whom the roles have to be delegated and click Add.

    2. After adding the security principals, click Go to Step2.

    3. Select the active directory objects to which the permission needs to be applied and click Add.

    1. Click Go to Step3 and add the roles that have to be delegated.

    1. After adding the desired roles, click Finish to view the delegation details.

    2. Click Apply Role to complete delegation.


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