Audit Reports

    The audit reports shed light on details of any AD Management task performed by help desk technicians using AD Manager Plus. The audit reports are an effective tracking tool that help you closely monitor events like Password Resets, Users Deletions, Users Creation/Modification etc.,

    Audit Logs essentially help you

    • Identify useraccountsassociated with specific tasks.
    • Analyze the chronology of AD Management tasks, at a later date.
    • Investigate issues by comparing original attribute values with modified values.


    How It Works

    The audit reports can be executed by following the steps below

    • Select ‘Audit reports’ from the DelegationsTab.
    • Choose a help desk technician to obtain the report for, by clicking on Choose. This opens the help desk users name list in a pop up window.
    • Select help desk technicians by checking the boxes. Click 'Ok' to proceed further.
    • Set the time period by clicking the drop down menu and hit 'Go'.

    The audit reports provide information about the name of the technician who performed an operation, the action performed, the action category, time stamp details, name of the modified object, domain which the object belongs to, status of the executed task and the details of modified attributes.

    You can use the 'Quick search' feature to quickly find out what you are looking for.

    Scheduling An Audit Report

    You can schedule an audit report by following these simple steps:

    • Select the Schedule Reports link from the top right corner of the page.
    • Click on theSchedule new reportlink at the top right corner to schedule a new report.
    • Enter theScheduler’s Nameand provide a description.
    • Clicking on Choose opens the help desk users name list in a pop up window. Select help desk technicians by checking the boxes. Click ‘Ok’ to proceed further.
    • Click on the Period drop down menu to specify the time interval between report executions. The scheduled reports will be executed in the specified time intervals.
    • You can choose from the available periods of time:
    • Last ‘n’ Hour: You can schedule a report for the last hour or every 2, 6, 8 12 and 24 hours. Say for example, the ‘Last 1 Hour’ report presents audit information between 8: 00 and 9:00 am and so on. You can also schedule the reports for the last 7, 30 or 90 days.
    • Custom period - This option allows you to schedule a report by providing specific start and finish dates.

    Schedule Details

    You can set the report generation frequency using this option. Using this option you can generate the reports repeatedly at desired time intervals.

    Following are the options available for specifying the execution time for scheduled reports:

    • Hourly:This option generates the selected reports once every 'n' hours from the time the schedule is created.
    • Daily:This option generates the reports once every day at the specified time.
    • Weekly:This option generates the selected reports once in a week, on the specified day, at the specified time.
    • Monthly:This option generates the scheduled reports once every month on the specified day, at the specified time.
    • More:This option generates the report at the exact time scheduled by you. Choose the date for report generation using the 'Starting Date' option. Select the exact time for report generation using the 'At' option.
    • The 'Frequency' option lets you configure the number of times the scheduler is run.

      • Select 'Run Once' to run the scheduler only once, at the exact time configured using 'More' option.
      • Select 'Repeat' to repeat the scheduler after a particular time interval, from the time the scheduler is created. The options available here are:
        • Minutes: Enter the repeat interval for the scheduler in minutes.
        • Day(s): Select the time interval,in days, to repeat the scheduler.
        • Week(s): Select 'All Days' to repeat the scheduler on all days of a week or select a particular day of a week using 'On' option.
        • Month(s): Use the 'Day of the month' option to repeat the scheduler on a particular day of the month or select a particular day of a particular week using the drop-down menu.
        • Year(s): Select 'All Months' to repeat the scheduler every month or select months from the drop down menu as per requirement. Choose a particular day of the selected month(s) using 'Day of the month' option or choose a particular day of a particular week using the drop-down menu.

    Schedule Report Format

    The Audit reports can be mailed in PDF, HTML, CSV, XLS or CSV formats. You can choose the format in which you would like to have the report mailed. For the PDF & HTML formats you can toggle between the 'Standard view' and the 'Summary view'. Use the storage path link to specify the location in which you wish to save the reports generated.

    Email Settings

    In the 'Mail to' box, type in the email addresses of the desired recipients. You can enter multiple email addresses, separated by commas.

    To customize the email click on ‘Mail Settings

    • Enable Attachment:Select this option to send the reports as email attachments. Select 'Send As Files' to send the reports as individual files. Choose 'Send As ZIP Format' to send the reports in compressed (ZIP) format.
    • Send Link In Email:Select this option if you wish to send only the link via email instead of sending the reports as attachments.
    • Mail Content: Using this option you can customize the subject and message of the email to be sent to the recipients.

    Hit ‘Save’ to add the newly created schedule to the schedule reports list.

    Details Of Attribute Modifications

    Using the 'Details' column in the exported reports, you can review the particulars of attributes configured or modified. The details of modified attributes are available for scrutiny in two formats - The 'Standard view' and the 'Summary view.

    While In the standard view, the details of modified attributes can be viewed at a single glance, in the summary view, clicking on the 'view details' link presents the details of modified or newly configured attributes.

    If the standard view helps you gain an overall insight of attribute modification, the summary view aids greatly in drilling down to a specific attribute modification and studying it in further detail.

    While the summary view is set as the default view for the PDF and HTML formats, the standard view is default for XLS and CSV formats. Alternatively, you can set your 'view' preference at the time of mailing the report.

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