Managing File Servers

    The servers listed in this space will be the set of servers available to you in the pop-up when you try to choose a server for any file server management action.

    These are the servers whose permissions can be managed using ADManager Plus:

    • Windows file servers in your Active Directory environment
    • NetApp
    • Isilon
    • DFS Namespaces

    Follow these steps to configure NetApp or Isilon file servers:

    1. Login to ADManager Plus and navigate to the Management tab.
    2. Under File Server Management, click Manage File Servers listed under Configuration. This window displays the list of all file servers that have been configured currently.
    3. Note: If needed, you can also remove any server from the list by selecting the server and deleting it using the delete button on the top of the list.

      Alternatively, you can also click Manage NetApp Servers or Manage Isilon Servers directly and click Add file servers on the top-right corner to add a new file server.

    4. Click Add file servers. The pop-up displays the list of all computers. Select the desired computer(s) using the checkboxes and click OK.
    5. The newly added file servers will be added to the existing list. Once this is completed, the new file servers will also be available for all the management and reporting capabilities of ADManager Plus.

    In case you face any issues when adding the new file servers, follow these steps:

    1. In the Windows server in which ADManager Plus is installed, navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ and click the hosts file.
    2. Once the hosts file is opened, locate the NetApp or Isilon file server in the file and enter two entries for each file server: the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and the FLAT name, along with their IP addresses.
      Sample entry:
      FLAT Name: computer1
    3. Once the two entries are added, save the hosts file.
    4. Re-run the steps to add a new file server.

    Follow these steps to configure DFS Namespaces in ADManager Plus:

    1. Log in to ADManager Plus and navigate to the Management tab.
    2. In the left pane, click File Server Management.
    3. Under Configuration, click Manage DFS Namespaces.
    4. On the page that opens, click Add DFS Namespaces. A pop up will then display the namespaces in your domain.
    5. Select the Namespaces that you would like to manage using ADManager Plus and click OK.

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