Disable Inactive User Accounts using Manual Requester



    An employee who has been absent for a long time (Need to disable such users)

    System administrator identifies that a user has not logged in for a long time ,he will send a request to disable that user to the HR. Then, the  HR verifies the log in status of that employee and then forward the same to the Product Manager. On approval from the Product Manager, System Administrator disables the user account.



    Work flow




    Configuration stage



    •  Click Work Flow tab - -> Business work flow --> configure the work flow and click save.



    • Click Requesters tab

    • From drop down menu, choose the help desk as the requester and click "Add to Requesters"



    • Click work flow technicians tab

    • To add reviewer

      • Click the add button (which is  present beside "Reviewers" dialog box)

      • From the drop down menu, choose desired technician and click ADD button

    • To add approver

      •  Click the add button (which is  present beside "Approvers" dialog box)

      •  From the drop down menu, choose desired technician and click ADD button

    • To add Executor

      • Click the add button (which is  present beside "Executors" dialog box)

      • From the drop down menu, choose desired technician and click ADD button


    Implementation stage


    1) System administrator (Requester)  generate inactive users report and create requests to disable them

    • Requester logs in to ADManager Plus - -> Generates inactive users report

    • Creates request to disable the inactive user accounts




    2) Reviewer (Hiring Manager) reviews the request sent by Requester


    • Reviewer logs in to ADManager Plus - -> Click work flow tab

    • Click Requests for review tab and review the request sent by Requester ( system administrator)



    3) Approver (Product Manager) approves the request for user creation

    • Admin logs in to ADManager Plus - -> Click work flow tab

    • Click Requests for approval tab and Approve the received request for "disable inactive user accounts"


    4) Executor (System Administrator) Executes the "disable inactive user accounts" process

    • Help desk logs in to ADManager Plus - -> Click Work flow tab

    • Click Requests for commit tab and click Execute button