Microsoft Azure Container Registry

Microsoft Azure Container Registry - An Overview

Microsoft Azure Container Registry (ACR) is a managed, Docker registry service that enables you to build, store, and manage container images and artifacts in a private registry for all types of container deployments. It has the ability to integrate perfectly with other container services, enabling smooth deployment of containerized applications. Applications Manager's Azure Container Registry Monitoring tool provides you with in-depth monitoring of the various major KPIs including Storage usage, Image pull/ push statistics etc.. for your Azure Container Registries.

Creating a new Microsoft Azure Container Registry Monitor

To learn how to create a new Microsoft Azure Container Registry Monitor, click here.

Monitored Parameters

Navigate to the Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Hover over 'Child Monitors' under Microsoft Azure in the Cloud Apps table, and then select the Container Registries monitor from the displayed tooltip. This action will display the bulk configuration view for Azure Container Registry in three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

The Microsoft Azure monitor provides a brief detail of the Azure Container Registry under the given subscription. Following are the list of metrics monitored in Azure Container Registry Monitoring in their corresponding tabs:

Performance Overview

Parameter Description
Storage Used The average amount of storage used by the container registry at the time of polling (in MiB).
Task Duration The total duration taken to run ACR tasks between the poll interval (in seconds).
Total Pushes The total number of pushes of container images and other artifacts to the container registry between the poll interval.
Successful Pushes The total number of successful pushes of container images and other artifacts to the container registry between the poll interval.
Unsuccessful Pushes The total number of unsuccessful pushes of container images and other artifacts to the container registry between the poll interval.
Total Pulls The total number of pulls of container images and other artifacts from the container registry between the poll interval.
Successful Pulls The total number of successful pulls of container images and other artifacts from the container registry between the poll interval.
Unsuccessful Pulls The total number of unsuccessful pulls of container images and other artifacts from the container registry between the poll interval.


Parameter Description
Resource Group Name The name of the resource group.
Location The location of the resource.
Provisioning State The current provisioning state of the resource. The possible values are:
  • Canceled
  • Creating
  • Deleting
  • Failed
  • Succeeded
  • Updating
SKU Tier The SKU tier based on the Pricing plan. Possible Values: Basic/ Classic/ Premium/ Standard
Login Server The URL that can be used to log into the container registry.
Creation Time The time when the container registry resource was created.
Creator Identity Type The type of identity that created container registry resource. Possible values: Application/ Key/ ManagedIdentity/ User
Last Modified Time The time when the container registry resource was last updated.
Last Modifier Identity Type The type of identity that last modified the container registry resource. Possible values: Application/ Key/ ManagedIdentity/ User
Admin User Enabled Indicates whether or not the Admin User is enabled for the Container registry. Possible values: Yes/No.
Anonymous Pull Enabled Indicates whether or not registry-wide pull from unauthenticated clients is enabled for the Container registry. Possible values: Yes/No.
Data Endpoint Enabled Indicates whether or not a single data endpoint per region is enabled for serving data for container registry. Possible values: Yes/No.
Encryption Status Indicates whether or not encryption is enabled for container registry. Possible values: Enabled/Disabled.
Public Network Access Indicates whether or not Public Network Access is enabled for container registry. Possible values: Enabled/Disabled.
Zone Redundancy Indicates whether or not Zone Redundancy is enabled for container registry. Possible values: Enabled/Disabled.