EventLog Analyzer's Ask ME Reports for Log Management
EventLog Analyzer provides easy to use pre-defined reports on event logs called Ask ME. These reports show you details of the top events generated as answers to the questions based specific topics like login, logout, alerts, users, etc. You can create your own report say a frequently asked question by your enterprise management. Using these reports, administrators can easily address the critical reports required for onward reporting.
AskME Reports
EventLog Analyzer allows you to customize the AskME reports. This is an enhancement to the existing AskME questions feature. With this you add your own questions and related reports to the list of AskME questions. This adds more flexibility to create customized pre-built reports.
Customizing AskME Reports
EventLog Analyzer allows you to customize the AskME reports. This is an enhancement to the existing AskME questions feature. With this you add your own questions and related reports to the list of AskME questions. This adds more flexibility to create customized pre-built reports.