Certificate installation to integrate with applications running in secured protocols

    When you integrate ServiceDesk Plus MSP with any application running in any secured protocol, you will have to generate and install a self-signed certificate to establish a connection between the two application servers.

    Steps to follow:


    • Download the corresponding .zip file from the following links and extract it to ManageEngine\ServiceDesk.

    For Linux:


    For Windows:


    • Connect to the command prompt. Go to ManageEngine\ServiceDesk and run the batch file of the format:

    C:>ManageEngine\ServiceDesk>gencert.sh  servername:portnumber — for Linux
    C:>ManageEngine\ServiceDesk>gencert.bat  servername:portnumber — for Windows

    • On running the command, you will receive an exception PKIX and you will be asked to enter a value. Enter 1. A file named jssecacerts will be generated under ManageEngine\ServiceDesk.

    • Copy the jssecacerts file to the security folder ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\jre\lib and then restart the ServiceDesk Plus MSP application.

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