Remote Control Settings

With Remote Access Plus, you can configure various remote control settings to suit your needs. Following are the steps to follow to configure Remote Control Settings.

General Settings

  1. From your Remote Access Plus web console, navigate to Tools tab -> Remote Control  -> Settings.
  2. Check the Notify end users about remote connection option if you wish to notify end-users that you have connected remotely to their computer.
  3. Enabling Quick Launch will enable the quick launch option in the remote control window which can help you directly access command prompt, device manager, control panel and more while in a remote session.
  4. Disable Wallpaper lets you disable the wallpaper set by the user during a remote connection (this is not supported for Mac computers).
  5. Blacken Monitor for Remote Computer Blacken the user's monitor during a remote connection. This ensures that the user does not see the changes that are made by the administrator (this is not supported for Mac computers).
  6. Disable the keyboard and mouse of end user’s computer lets you lock the keyboard and the mouse of the client computer during remote administration. You can use this option when you want to take full control of the user's computer to complete a task (this is not supported for Mac computers).
  7. Capture Alpha Blending This enables you to capture transparent windows (this is not supported for Mac computers).
  8. Log the reason for remote connection Ensure that a reason is entered while connecting remotely to a computer.
  9. View-only mode You can only view remote computer, using this mode. You cannot give any inputs or make changes in the computer that you are viewing.
  10. Hide Remote Cursor Enabling this option will hide the mouse movements made on the client computer

Performance Settings

  1. Compression Settingsincludes the following options:
    • Fast - Use this option, if you want the rendering to be faster. The compression ratio will be lower and will consume comparatively higher bandwidth.
    • Best - Use this option, if you want to optimize bandwidth utilization. The compression ratio will be higher and the user interface (UI) rendering will be comparatively slow.
  2. Color-Quality Settings: Selecting an appropriate colour-quality level enables you to use your bandwidth effectively during a remote session. Lowering the level of the color quality will decrease the consumption of your bandwidth. This will ensure effective bandwidth consumption.

Idle Session Settings

You can enhance the security of remote control feature by using idle session time out feature. When no actions are performed on the remote computer, the session is said be 'idle'. You can specify a maximum time limit for the remote session to be idle. When the idle time limit exceeds the specified time, you can choose to disconnect the session and lock the remote machine automatically.