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ManageEngine’s playbook for IT operations management

Real-life ITOM case studies and a framework combining ManageEngine’s decades of growth and experience

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The dot-com bust, the development of cloud technology, and now the growth of AIOps—through decades of technological changes and advancements, the objective of IT operations management (ITOM) has remained consistent: to support business expansion while maintaining the operational stability of an organization.

This e-book serves as a playbook for folks in ITOM and a story of how ManageEngine handles its massive IT operations engine. Here is what you should know before you dive in:

For IT leaders:

This e-book gives a refreshing perspective on how you can rethink your ITOM. Get an insider look at how ManageEngine faces real-life situations using its ITOM framework in the "Case studies: The ITOM framework in action" section.

For IT managers:

This e-book provides strategies to help your teams—strategies that work for us when we handle our ITOM processes. You can also find tips on improving productivity in the "How to get started" section.

For system and network administrators:

This e-book is a guide on how you can use your resources to handle everyday problems in ITOM. You can also find techniques to improve overall functioning as IT administrators.

For the general audience:

This e-book tells the story of how ITOM is the backbone of business excellence and how ManageEngine accomplishes stable business growth while improving our ITOM capabilities.

Our book begins with ManageEngine's ITOM and business growth trajectories. Following this, we will take a closer look at our ITOM framework. Later, we will look at a few of our real-life use cases to explain how to apply this framework. Finally, we will conclude with strategies that can help you up your ITOM game.

The other side of ManageEngine's growth

Time period

Growth of ManageEngine

State of ITOM


AdventNet Inc. days when we had fewer than 200 employees

One team managed all IT services under one roof, with two data centers (DCs) in New Jersey and Silicon Valley. The sysadmin team managed corporate IT, whereas another team worked in shifts to manage the DCs.


Around 500 employees

Separate teams managed network operations and DC operations, with divided responsibilities.


Thousands of employees

We added new DCs across the United States, Europe, India, Australia, and Japan. We started using sophisticated tools for monitoring, configuration management, and overall management. We also incorporated process flows for major ITOM processes along with required ITOM capabilities.

2020 onwards

More than 10,000 employees

We added more DCs in the United Kingdom and Canada. We started developing points of presence in DCs to enhance connectivity and the speed of interactions.

While the world notices the sustained growth of ManageEngine, the effort behind improving our IT operations often goes unnoticed. Over the years, our IT leaders have ensured that our ITOM supports business growth by constantly improving our methods.

What methods have they used? How have they framed a well-rounded ITOM structure to ensure greater business stability? Read on to see how ManageEngine has achieved it.

ITOM: The nucleus of sustainability

For ManageEngine, sustainability has been the key to our growth. ITOM is the centerpiece of the puzzle as we aim for sustainable growth.

Consider the following IT functions:

  • Deploying and managing services
  • Monitoring services 24/7
  • Allocating servers for various services
  • Procuring servers based on planning
  • Ensuring 99.9% availability
  • Supporting product teams

The above functions play a direct role in business growth, propelling business to new heights. Now, take a look at the alternative functions below:

  • Disaster recovery
  • Backup management
  • Access controls for DCs
  • Risk and incident management
  • Network change management

The above functions keep the business from falling apart, playing an indirect role in sustainability. However, both sets of functions require different skill sets, approaches, and leadership. Hence, the ITOM side of business is always a balancing act between the two:

  • Safeguarding the business by managing outages, making crucial IT changes, leveraging insights into infrastructure to protect against future incidents, and more
  • Expanding the business by supporting digital transformation, using new technologies, launching new products, and more
ebook of IT operations management

The business achieves sustainable growth by balancing between the two. In other words, ITOM must be the nucleus of sustainability for an IT organization.

In order to ensure that, our IT leaders use our well-tested ITOM framework—one created using the insights from decades of experience. Let us examine the framework in detail.

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