Centralized technician management

AD360 supports centralized management of user roles for the following components: ADManager Plus, ADAudit Plus, ADSelfService Plus, Exchange Reporter Plus, and RecoveryManager Plus.

A user, when assigned as a technician, can manage or execute certain functions of AD360 and its components based on the help desk role assigned to them. They can be assigned as a technician for single or multiple domains.

A technician who is authenticated by AD or AD360 can be added to the following product roles.

Admin: By default, an Admin or Super Admin has full control over the entire application, including assigning users as help desk technicians.

Operator: Operators can only access or perform the functions that have been delegated to them in the components.

Technician management:

How to add a new centralized technician

A new centralized technician can be added in AD360 based on whether their authentication type is against AD or the product itself.

To add technicians who authenticate through AD, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Admin tab, navigate to Administration > Manage Technicians.
  2. How to add a new centralized technician

  3. Click the + Add New Technicians button in the top-right corner.
  4. How to add a new centralized technician

  5. Beside Authentication Type, select AD Authentication.
  6. How to add a new centralized technician

  7. Beside the Select Users field, click the Add button.
  8. How to add a new centralized technician

  9. This will open a new window where you can select a domain to search for the AD user. In the Username field, enter the name you want to search for. The relevant users matching your search criteria will be listed.
  10. How to add a new centralized technician

  11. Click the View link in the Select Users window (refer to the screenshot above) to open the Summary View window. Here, multiple users from the domain can be viewed and selected.
  12. How to add a new centralized technician

  13. In the Delegate to section, assign a role for the new technician in AD360. Select the components to which you want to add the technician and the roles and domains you wish to delegate to them.
  14. Note: Since the newly created technician will be managed in AD360's technician management feature, AD360 will appear as the default selection in the Delegate to section.

  15. Click Add to add the new technician to AD360.
  16. Modifying an existing technician

To add technicians who authenticate using AD360, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Admin tab, navigate to Administration > Manage Technicians.
  2. Modifying an existing technician

  3. Click the + Add New Technicians button in the top-right corner.
  4. Modifying an existing technician

  5. Using the Authentication Type drop-down menu, select Product Authentication from the drop-down menu.
  6. Modifying an existing technician

  7. Enter the name of the technician in the User Name field. You can add a description by clicking the Description link.
  8. In the Password field, enter a password for the technician that satisfies the password complexity rules.
  9. Confirm the technician's password by entering it again in the Confirm Password field.
  10. Enter the email address of the technician in the Email ID field.
  11. In the Delegate to section, assign a role for the new technician in AD360. Select the components to which you want to add the technician and the roles and domains you wish to delegate to them.
  12. Note: Since the newly created technician will be managed in AD360's technician management feature, AD360 will appear as the default selection in the Delegate to section.

  13. Click Add to add the new technician in AD360.
  14. Modifying an existing technician

How to modify an existing technician

To modify the information of an existing technician, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Admin tab, navigate to Administration > Manage Technicians.
  2. How to modify an existing technician

  3. Click the pencil icon Edit Icon next to the name of the technician you want to edit. Please note that this icon will appear only when the cursor is hovered over the technician's name.
  4. How to modify an existing technician

  5. Edit the information in the relevant fields as needed. If you decide to change the password for a technician who authenticates using product authentication, ensure that the new password adheres to the password complexity rules.
  6. To associate a new component for the technician, select the checkbox corresponding to the component in the Delegate to section. Similarly, to dissociate a component for the technician, deselect the checkbox corresponding to the component.
  7. Note: If you choose to use a new password while associating a new component to an existing technician, the new password will be updated for all the components that were previously configured.

  8. To modify the role(s) and delegations associated with the technician, choose the required role and delegation from the drop-down for the respective component under the Delegate to section.
  9. Click Update to save the changes.
  10. How to modify an existing technician

How to delete an existing technician

To delete an existing technician, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Admin tab, navigate to Administration > Manage Technicians.
  2. How to delete an existing technician

  3. Choose the technicians to be deleted by ticking the checkbox corresponding to the technician's name.
  4. Click the Manage button and select Delete from the drop-down menu.
  5. How to delete an existing technician

  6. Confirm deletion by clicking Yes on the Confirm Action pop-up message.
  7. How to delete an existing technician

  8. To delete an existing technician only for a specific component, click View Details under the Roles and Component Name column corresponding to the required technician.
  9. How to delete an existing technician

  10. In the pop-up box that appears, click the Delete icon under the Action column of the corresponding component to delete the technician. This will delete the technician in the particular component.
  11. How to delete an existing technician

How to enable or disable an existing technician

To enable or disable an existing technician, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Admin tab, navigate to Administration > Manage Technicians.
  2. How to enable or disable an existing technician

  3. Choose the technicians to be enabled or disabled by ticking the checkboxes.
  4. Click Manage and select Enable or Disable from the drop-down menu. This will enable or disable the technician.
  5. How to enable or disable an existing technician

  6. To enable or disable an existing technician only for a specific component, click View Details under the Roles and Component Name column corresponding to the required technician.
  7. How to enable or disable an existing technician

  8. In the pop-up box that appears, click Enable or Delete icon under the Action column of the corresponding component to enable or disable it. This will enable or disable the corresponding component for the technician.
  9. How to enable or disable an existing technician

AD360 component versions that support centralized technician management

The following components support the centralized technician management feature:

Management of technicians from the component

Though each component of AD360 has its own technician management settings, it is advised you manage the technicians from the Centralized Technician Management page. This centralized dashboard provides you with a comprehensive overview of all the technicians in your organization and their roles in the different components.

  • Existing product-authenticated technicians in the AD360 components will not be synced with the technician management feature in AD360.
  • Any changes made to the product-authenticated technicians in the AD360 components will not be synced with the technician management feature in AD360.
  • Product-authenticated technicians created in individual components will not be synced with the technician management feature in AD360.

Password complexity rules

The password must:

The password must not contain:

Frequently asked questions

1. Do existing or newly created technicians in the components get synchronized to AD360?

Changes made to AD-authenticated technicians in the component products will be synchronized with AD360 technician management feature. However, the changes made to the product-authenticated technicians in the component products will not be synchronized. It is important to note that all the technicians synced from other components will be assigned with the Operator role in AD360.

2. What will happen to the technicians that are modified directly in the component's console?

The changes made to the AD-authenticated technicians will be synced with AD360.

Why are the ADManager Plus, and Exchange Reporter Plus components not displayed in the Centralized Technician Management page?

This can happen if your product license has expired or you do not have a valid license. In the case that your current license has expired, you can fix the issue by renewing your product license. In the case of not having a valid license for the product, please purchase an AD360 license and apply it in the product to get access to the ADManager Plus, and Exchange Reporter Plus components in the Centralized Technician Management page. You can upgrade to the full version of AD360 here:

4. I have created a Product Technician in component products, but I am not able to view the technician in the AD360 Technician page.

Product-authenticated technicians created in any component of AD360 will not be synced to AD360. Only AD-authenticated technicians created in the components will be synced to AD360. You can create and manage technicians using product authentication from the AD360 console.


1. The technician, roles, domain, and tenant information created by the component products are not listed in the AD360 centralized console.

Description: If a new technician is created, a new domain is added, a new role is created, or a new tenant is added in the component products, it is not synchronized with AD360's technician management feature.


2. Error status returns "AD user not found" or "User not discovered."

Frequently asked questions

Description: This error message may be displayed if the user is present in AD but not synchronized either automatically or manually within the corresponding AD360 component. It is important to note that this issue will occur in ADManager Plus, and ADAudit Plus. In the case of ADSelfService Plus and Exchange Reporter Plus, this issue will not occur.


Frequently asked questions

3. Error status returns "License Exceeded" when adding more technicians.

Description: The number of technicians present in any component will be limited by the license purchased. If the user attempts to add technicians beyond the limit, this error message will be displayed.

Frequently asked questions


4. An AD360 component is not listed in the Manage Technicians tab, or the error status returns "Unable to communicate with the component."

Description: This error status will be displayed when:


5. Error status returns "Unknown Error Occurred."

Description: This error will be displayed if there are functional issues within AD360 or its component products.

Frequently asked questions


Contact AD360 support when this error occurs.

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