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  • How to leverage field service management software to improve first-time fix rates

How to leverage field service management software to improve first-time fix rates

What is field service management software?  

Field service management (FSM) software is utilized to govern the operations of field service agents. Field service is a crucial component of the following industries:

  • HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)

  • Utilities

  • Information technology

  • Home services

  • Facility management

  • Construction and engineering

  • Security

  • Telecommunications

  • Healthcare

Essentially, any domain in which technicians are deployed to service customer at the customers' location comes under the gamut of field services.

FSM software has become indispensable for the field services industry. According to Deloitte, FSM software plays a significant role in enhancing customer experience, increasing operational efficiency, and enabling digital transformation.

In this blog, we will see the optimal features that a field service management software should possess, in order for it to be leveraged by all stakeholders to ensure optimal service request execution.

What is first-time fix rate?  

The fix time starts from the moment a customer raises a service request, and ends with the resolution of the request by the organization's field service technician. If the technician fixes the customer's complaint during the first attempt, then it is a first-time fix.

The first-time fix rate (FTFR) gauges the percentage of customer requests that were successfully resolved during the technician's first visit, without a need for follow-up visits. 

Field service operations require that the customer's request is solved in as few attempts as possible, because additional visits will protract the field service duration and will not enhance customer satisfaction. To enhance customer satisfaction, the field service software should assist the field service agent and field service teams in rendering exceptional customer service.

It is the goal of effective field service operations to leverage capable field service software to ensure optimal operational efficiency and high FTFR. In most cases, field service software takes the form of a mobile app, serving as an always-accessible field service management solution.

How does FSM affect FTFR?  

FSM software has a direct impact on the FTFR. This is because this software serves as the sole interface between the organization, the field service technician, and the consumer.

Here are three ways in which FSM software affects FTFR.

1) Assignment of technicians  

FSM software has to assign the right technician to the right customer request, based upon their expertise.

2) Track customer requests  

From initiation of the request, through the fulfillment of the request by a technician, the customer's requests are tracked by FSM software. The mobile apps have a built-in customer portal that allows for customer management, as well as provides customers access to the status of their requests.

3) Improve communication  

By serving as a unified interface, FSM software serves to improve the communication between all stakeholders.

Given the importance of FSM software when it comes to addressing customer requests and ensuring their satisfaction, it is vital that organizations leverage FSM software in the optimal way to improve and maintain consistently high FTFR.

Steps to optimally leverage FSM software to improve FTFR  

1. Granularly streamline technician assignments  

Technicians are a crucial point of contact, both for the customer reaching an organization, as well as for the organization serving the consumer. It is therefore essential that the assignment of the technician is accomplished in the most efficient manner as possible.

How should the technician be assigned? They should have:

  • The right expertise

  • The right toolset at their disposal to service the customer's request

  • The right amount of experience that is needed for the task at hand

  • The best possible location (technicians far away from the customer's location will likely end up spending a lot of time traveling)

The algorithm of the FSM software and its mobile app should be designed in such a way that it takes into account the above parameters for assigning the optimal technician suited for the job. This will ensure that the right technician is assigned to the right task, ensuring high FTFR and high service efficiency.

2. Arm technicians with accessible software  

Technicians who have access to a smartphone that contains the FSM software as a mobile app will find it extremely easy to keep track of all their service requests. Whether its for locating the consumer, traveling to the request location, or communicating task requirements between the customer and the organization, equipping field service technicians with a location-aware a FSM mobile app is a game-changer today, which will serve to improve FTFR assuredly. Thanks to GPS, service managers will also be able to monitor the location of field service technicians.

3. Empower the customer's communication capabilities  

The customer raises a service request through the organization's website or through the FSM app installed on a mobile device.

i) If the customer is able to communicate with the service organization's service desk anytime, they will find it easier to get their queries related to the service request clarified rapidly.

ii) If the customer can track their service request right from request initiation, they will find it easier to get constant updates on their request.

iii) If the customers are able to see which technician has been assigned for their request—and get a glimpse of the technician's service history (such as aggregated ratings from previous service requests)—they will rest assured that their request is assigned to capable hands. Through the mobile app, they can also directly contact the assigned technician to discuss their service request.

iv) If you can provide your customers with a way to view the billing information for their service request through the FSM software, it will serve to reduce clutter and provide an easy way for them to access the billing and other pertinent information for their service request.

v) If a feedback loop—such as a rating system—is implemented in the FSM software, it will serve to increase accountability for all pertinent stakeholders.

FSM software that empowers users with the above communication capabilities can be leveraged to render stellar FTFR. FSM solutions have a direct impact on the FTFR rates of an organization.

4. Enhance inventory management  

A field service technician needs to have access to the right toolset when they physically visit the customer's location. If any equipment is missing, or is not available in the organization's inventory, then the FTFR will be negatively affected.

In order to avoid this problem, the FSM solution should maintain a record of relevant tools required for relevant service requests. For example, the proper electrical accessories required while repairing the heating system of an establishment. If the FSM software shows the inventory levels of required accessories, then the technician will be able to resolve the customer's request during the first visit itself—paving the way for a 99.99% FTFR. Therefore, it is vital that the FSM solution also contains an inventory management system.

Advantages of a high FTFR  

Reduced costs  

Because the FTFR is high, there will be a reduced need for multiple vists to the customer location, saving time, money, and time invested for addressing customer requests.

Improved customer satisfaction  

The customers are satisfied when their complaints are resolved immediately, as they will enjoy reduced turnaround times for their service requests.

Increased technician efficiency  

Technicians will have access to the right tools for the right task, ensuring that they are highly efficient in executing their customers' requests.

Enhanced knowledge base that can be referenced for subsequent requests  

A repository built on previous successful service requests will serve to function as a reliable knowledge base that can be referred back to for reduced turnaround times during future customer requests.

Increased organizational reputation  

An organization with a very high FTFR will acquire a positive reputation, improving its market share and profitability eventually.

Optimal field service management software

There are multiple FSM software-based solutions out there in the market. Off-the-shelf solutions are numerous, but they come with the restriction that you cannot customize them. Given the fact that most businesses' processes are unique, the lack of customization is a major drawback. So what then is the solution? Customizable FSM software.

Low-code platforms like ManageEngine AppCreator grant you the ability to create bespoke FSM software for your field service requirements. AppCreator's learning curve is also small, meaning you can deploy a working solution within a short span of time. How is this possible? It is thanks to the "low-code" aspect of the AppCreator platform.

You can deploy FSM solutions by developing them using a visual drag-and-drop programming interface. This visual development allows even line-of-business users to create bespoke field service solutions on top of the platform. To see how AppCreator can assist your organization and its field service technicians, sign up for a free proof-of-concept demo.

Closing thoughts  

In an era where the organization's reputation—both word-of-mouth and its digital presence—is paramount, a very high FTFR will serve to positively benefit the organization, as well as ensure high customer satisfaction. By ensuring that the FSM software your organization uses covers the aspects mentioned above, your can strive to achieve high FTFR and improve it consistently.


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