Frequently Asked Questions

What is application allowlisting?
What are the best practices to be followed during allowisting?
What is application blocklisting?
What is an unmanaged application?
What are application groups?
What are custom groups?
What are the system requirements for the Central server?
How is Application Control Plus licensed?
What are the best practices to follow during application control?
Is application allowlisting the better approach to application control?
What is the significance of the flexibility modes available in Application Control Plus?
When should I choose rules based on vendors for building my allowlist/blocklist?
When should I choose rules based on product names for building my allowlist/blocklist?
When should I choose rules based on executables for building my allowlist/blocklist?
When should I choose rules based on file hash for building my allowlist/blocklist?
When should I choose to manually add files to build my allowlist/blocklist?
What is Endpoint Privilege Management?
When should I enable application level privileged access to users?
What is the significance of the 'Run as ManageEngine' option that is displayed in the File menu of a few applications?
If the application is present in both a allowlist and a blocklist, will it be allowed or blocked?
I created a allowlist with only 3 applications and deployed it in the strict mode to a target group. Despite this, users of the target group are still able to access other local Windows apps such as Photos, Paint, Windows Store etc. Why does it happen? How can I block these apps?
I added an application to the Privileged Application List in the Privilege Management module, however it is not being elevated when run. Why is it so?
A few applications that are installed in the endpoint are not shown in the list of Unmanaged Application(s), despite being excluded from all deployed allowlists and blocklists. Why is this?
I've purchased the Security Add-on to Endpoint Central and there is a mismatch between the number of applications shown in the Inventory module and Application Control module. Why does this exist?
How does Application Control Plus differ from the Block Executable feature in the Inventory module of Endpoint Central?
How does the elevation of applications using the Endpoint Privilege Management feature work?
How can the users access the unmanaged applications when running in strict mode?
How to check if the Vendor/Product/EXE is verified or not?
What will happen if we add a Vendor to a blocklist and one of their Products to a allowlist?
What will happen if we allowlist the Vendor (For eg. Microsoft Corporation) and blocklist one of their Products (For eg. skype)?
Is it sufficient to add an application to a allowlist/blocklist by selecting one rule or must all related rules be selected? For eg, to allowlist Chrome is it sufficient to just add Chrome from the Product rule or should chrome.exe also be added?
Is adding only a Vendor rule (For eg. Google) to an application group enough to allowlist/blocklist all installed Products published by them?
When should I opt for the Folder Path rule while building my allowlist/blocklist?
What happens when blocklisted applications are deployed in strict mode?
Will an application added to the Privileged Application List and associated to a Custom Group during policy deployment execute in the target machines, if they arent allowlisted to them?
What versions of Windows does Application Control Plus support?
What versions of mac does Application Control Plus support?


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