Help Document

Managing Teams

Organization Admins

As an organization administrator in Log360 Cloud, you have complete control over team management. Administrators can create new teams and edit team details, such as team name and logo, from the Manage Team page. Admins can also be a part of multiple teams and directly join teams, whereas organization users have to request to join a team.

Listed below are some of the various administrative functions available to organization administrators.

Creating a New Team

An organization admin can create a new team with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud account.
  2. Go to the Manage Team page.
  3. Click on Create New Team.
  4. Managing Teams
  5. In the pop-up that appears, enter your Team Name, upload your Team Logo, and click Create.
  6. Managing Teams
  7. In the confirmation box, click Proceed.
  8. Note: By clicking Proceed, you are agreeing to creating a separate space within your current organization and purchasing a separate license for the team.

    Managing Teams
  9. Your team has been created.
  10. Managing Teams

    Note: An organization can add up to five teams to their account. If they want to add another team, they will have to terminate an existing team to do so.

    Managing Teams

Editing a Team

An organization admin can edit or modify a team with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud account.
  2. In the Manage Team page, choose the team you want to modify.
  3. Managing Teams
  4. Click on the Edit icon to make changes to the team's name or logo.
  5. Managing Teams
  6. In the pop-up that appears, edit your Team Name or update your Team Logo.
  7. Managing Teams
  8. After making the necessary changes, click Update to save them. Your team details have been edited.
  9. Managing Teams

Joining a Team

An organization admin can join all the available teams in the organization using the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud account.
  2. From the available teams in your organization, select the Team you wish to join.
  3. Managing Teams
  4. Click Join to be a part of the team of your choice.
  5. Managing Teams

Deleting a Team

An organization admin can delete or terminate a team with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud account.
  2. In the Manage Team tab in the header, choose the team you want to delete.
  3. Go to Settings → Admin → General → My Account.
  4. Managing Teams
  5. Under Organization Information, click on Terminate Log360 Cloud Account next to Check DPA.
  6. Managing Teams
  7. In the pop-up that appears, fill in the requested details.
  8. Managing Teams
  9. Enter the Captcha and click Terminate Account.
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  11. By proceeding, you agree to losing all your log data, reports, threat feed services, and your product subscription.
  12. Managing Teams
  13. Once your account has been terminated, you will be redirected to the Manage Team page if your teams account has at least one team left.
  14. Managing Teams
  15. Otherwise, you will be redirected to the Sign in page.
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Organization Users

As an organization user in Log360 Cloud, you can be a part of multiple teams simultaneously, allowing for diverse contributions across the organization.

Managing Teams

Listed below are some of the various functions available to organization users.

Requesting to Join a Team

An organization user can join all the available teams in the organization using the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud account.
  2. From the available teams in your organization, select the Team you wish to join and click Request.
  3. Managing Teams
  4. Your request to join the team has been submitted and will be sent to the team's admin for approval.
  5. Managing Teams
  6. Once the admin has approved the request, you will be a part of the team.
  7. Managing Teams

    Note: App account admins can review and approve or reject requests from users wanting to join teams. Keep an eye on your email for confirmation of your team join requests.

Cancelling a Team Request

An organization user can cancel a team join request with the following steps:

  1. Login to your Log360 Cloud account.
  2. On the Manage Team page, choose the team request you want to cancel.
  3. Managing Teams
  4. Hover over Requested to cancel your pending request.
  5. Click Cancel to withdraw your request to join a particular team.
  6. Managing Teams
  7. Your team join request has been cancelled.
  8. Managing Teams

    Note: Your participation and contributions to the teams are subject to the approvals and regulations set by your organization's administrators. Ensure to stay aligned with your organization's policies and guidelines while engaging with teams.