
Identity360's APIs use the industry-standard OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. This protocol delegates user authentication to the service hosting the user account and authorizes third-party applications to access the user account. Each API request must include an OAuth token to retrieve any resource from Identity360.

Why should we use OAuth 2.0?

How does OAuth 2.0 work?

How does OAuth 2.0 work


The following are some terms you need to know before you start using the Identity360 APIs.

Register your application

The first step is to register your application in Zoho's API Console.

  1. Choose a client type:
    1. Client-based Applications: Applications that run exclusively on a browser and are independent of a web server.
    2. Server- bas ed Applications: Applications that are clients running on a dedicated HTTP server.
    3. Mobile-based Applications: Applications that are installed on smartphones and tablets.
    4. Non-browser Applications: Applications for devices without browser provisioning, such as smart TVs and printers.
    5. Self Client: Applications that are stand-alone and perform only back-end jobs like data sync (without any manual intervention).
    Register your application
  2. Choose the Server-based Applications client option and enter the following details. You can also choose any of the other options depending on your requirements.
    1. Client Name: The name of your application you want to register in Zoho.
    2. Homepage URL: The URL of your webpage.
    3. Authorized Redirect URIs: A valid URL from your application to which your Zoho Account redirects you with a grant token (code) after successful authentication.
    Register your application
  3. On successful registration, you will be provided with a Client ID and a Client Secret. These are your OAuth credentials.
  4. Register your application

Authorization request

To use the Identity360 APIs, the user must authenticate the application to make API calls on their behalf with an access token. This access token, in return, must be obtained from a grant token (authorization code). The Identity360 APIs use the authorization code grant type to provide access to protected resources.

There are two ways in which you can generate the grant token based on the client type.

Web-based application

Web-based applications are chosen when your application is used by multiple users and require user intervention during authorization. For a web-based client, you must use redirection-based code generation. In this authorization flow, obtain an authorization grant by invoking the authorization URI, which contains the parameters listed in the table below. Refer to the example to understand how to construct this authorization URI.

Parameter Description
client_ID Client ID generated after registering the client.
response_type The value must be code.
residrect_uri Redirect URL mentioned while registering the client.
scope The various scopes associated with Identity360; you can use the list of scopes as per your requirements.
access_type Indicates offline or online; in cases where a refresh token can't be stored, use online access_type (the default will be online).
state An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback.

After you invoke the authorization URI, a user consent page opens. Once you accept it, the application gets authorized. The grant token is sent as a parameter in the redirect_uri.

Web-based application

A back-end script from your end needs to store the following details from the above URL.

The application exchanges the authorization code for an access token.

If the user chooses to reject on the user consent page, the browser redirects to the redirect URI with the parameter error=access_denied, and your application is denied access to the user's data in Identity360.

Note: The grant token is valid only for one minute.

Generate access token

Invoke a URL in the following format to exchange the authorization code (obtained at the end of the previous step) with an OAuth token.

Parameter Description
code Authorization code obtained after generating the grant token.
client_id Client ID obtained after registering the client.
client_secret Client secret obtained after registering the client.
grant_type The value must be authorization_code.
redirect_uri Redirect URI mentioned while registering the client.

After invoking the URL, you will be presented with an access token, which you must include in all API calls.

Each access token is valid for only an hour and used only for the operations defined in the scope.

A refresh token does not expire. Use it to refresh access tokens when they expire.

You can only generate a maximum of five refresh tokens in a minute.

OAuth scopes

Scope name Description
User idmpod.user.ALL Grants read and write access to user and related data.
idmpod.user.READ Grants read access to user and related data.
idmpod.user.WRITE Grants write access (create, update, and delete) to user.
idmpod.user.CREATE Grants access to create a user.
idmpod.user.UPDATE Grants access to update the user.
idmpod.user.DELETE Grants access to delete the user.
Template idmpod.template.user.READ Grants read access to user templates and related data.

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