Getting started

All Identity360 APIs require one mandatory field in the header:


To use Identity360's API, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  1. Have a valid ManageEngine Identity360 login (username and password).
  2. Have an access token. Click here to learn more.

Before obtaining an access token, you need to determine the data center where your data is stored.

HTTP methods

Identity360 APIs allow data manipulation and retrieval using various HTTP methods.

Method Purpose
GET Retrieve resources.
POST Create resources and perform resource actions.
PUT Update resources.
PATCH Partially update resources.
DELETE Delete resources.

HTTP status codes

Identity360 uses HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure of API calls. Status codes in the 2xx range indicate success, and codes in the 5xx range indicate server-side errors. The following table lists some commonly used HTTP status codes.

Status code Status message Description
200 OK The requested data is successfully retrieved.
201 Created The data is successfully created or added.
204 No content No data is returned for the request.
400 Bad request The request is considered invalid, such as when an incorrect path or parameter is found in the request body.
401 Unauthorized Authentication fails due to an invalid authentication token.
403 Forbidden (unauthorized access) The user doesn't have the required permissions to perform the operation.
404 URL not found The resource cannot be found.
405 Method not allowed (method called is not supported for the API invoked) An unsupported HTTP method is used to access an endpoint.
413 Payload too large The server rejects the request during file upload because the file size exceeds the allowed limit.
415 Unsupported media type The server rejects the file upload request because the media or file type is not supported.
422 Unprocessable content The request cannot be processed due to field restrictions, such as a name being too long or the content containing a duplicate ID.
429 Too many requests This is used when the number of API requests for a 24-hour period is exceeded, or the user's concurrency limit for the app is surpassed.
500 Internal error An unknown server error has occurred.

General errors

When interacting with the API, various errors may occur due to issues with the request or server. The following is a list of common error codes and their descriptions. These errors help identify the nature of the issue, allowing you to troubleshoot and resolve problems efficiently.

Error response structure

  "error": {
    "code": <error code>
    "detail": <error message>
    "title":  <title>
Error code Title Description
Client Errors
00000100 Bad Request The server could not process the request due to a client error, such as malformed request syntax, invalid message framing, or misleading request routing.
00000101 Unauthorized An invalid OAuth token was sent.
00000102 Unprocessable Content The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.
00000103 Unsupported Media Type The media format of the requested data is not supported by the server, so the server is rejecting the request.
00000104 Page Not Found A request was made to an unsupported endpoint.
00000105 Unsupported HTTP Method An unsupported HTTP method was used to request an endpoint.
00000106 Forbidden The client does not have access rights to the content; that is, it is unauthorized, so the server is refusing to give the requested resource. Unlike 401 Unauthorized, the client's identity is known to the server.
00000107 Invalid Parameter An input parameter is invalid or not acceptable for the operation being performed.
00000108 Content Length is Required The server rejected the request because the Content-Length header field is not defined and the server requires it.
00000109 Too Many Requests The server rejected the request because the Content-Length header field is not defined and the server requires it.
Server Errors
00010108 API Action Timeout This error occurs if the request takes longer than two minutes to process. In the future, a follow-up link will be provided to allow you to check the status of the request later.
00000000 Internal Server Error An unexpected internal error has occurred on the server. Please try again later.


In Identity360, you can retrieve multiple resources using listing APIs, such as list tickets, list agents, and list departments. The process of fetching and displaying these resources on end users' screens is known as pagination.

Parameter Description
from The index of the starting object.
limit The number of individual objects that are returned in each request.
Parameter Description
cursor The cursor for the next set of records; this can be obtained from the previous response.
limit The number of individual objects that are returned in each request; t he maximum limit for each request is 200.

Paginated responses are retrieved as JSON objects containing a key called data, with a JSON array of resources (objects) as the value.

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