Configuring SNMP Agent in Cisco Devices

SNMP, or Simple Network Management Protocol, is a crucial component for network management, allowing OpManager to effectively monitor and manage network devices. An SNMP Agent is a very small file that is installed on a network device. The agent collects and sends its operational data to an SNMP manager, for easy network monitoring and management. This help document will guide you through the process of configuring OpManager's SNMP Agent in a Cisco device.

To configure SNMP agents in Cisco devices, you need to log into the device and switch to privileged mode.

Use the following set of commands listed below to enable SNMP:

To enable SNMP:

From the command prompt, run the following commands:
#configure terminal
#snmp-server community <community_string> rw/ro (example: snmp-server community public ro)
#copy running-config startup-config


To enable trap:

Again, from the command prompt, run the following commands:

#configure terminal
#snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication
#copy running-config startup-config


To set OpManager as host:

Run the following commands from the command prompt:
#configure terminal
#snmp-server host < OpManager server running system's IP> <Trap community string> snmp (example: snmp-server host public snmp)
#copy running-config startup-config


For more information, visit CISCO.

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