The essential toolkit for effective Microsoft 365 reporting
Group reports

Microsoft 365 group reports

Microsoft 365 is a powerful resource for enterprises who want to work from the cloud. However, the native Microsoft 365 administration tool comes with some drawbacks. The reporting features available there are not comprehensive to give an in-depth of Microsoft 365 components. We've compiled some guides to arm you with the tools you need to improve your Microsoft 365 reporting. This guide covers Microsoft 365 group reports in ADManager Plus.

How are the Microsoft 365 group reports helpful?

ADManager Plus' Microsoft 365 group reports provide the following information:

  • All Groups report:  This report provides information about all the groups available in your Microsoft 365 environment. Admins can remove unwanted groups from their environment or create new groups based on this report.
  • Security Group report:  With this report, admins can identify unauthorized security groups and perform appropriate action to prevent unauthorized access to critical resources.
  • Distribution Group report: Insight on distribution groups help admins make better decisions about  whether they need to create new distribution groups or remove existing ones. 
  • Group Members report:  This report shows the members of a selected group in your Microsoft 365 setup. This helps ensure that no unauthorized members have access to any of the groups in your setup. 
  • Dynamic Distribution Group report: Admins can view details about all the dynamic distribution groups in  the corresponding Microsoft 365 account, such as  recipient filters, email addresses, group IDs, and more.
  • Dynamic Distribution Group Members: This report provides information about members of  distribution groups, such as member name, email address, group name, and more.

Generating Microsoft 365 group reports using ADManager Plus

All Microsoft 365 Groups report

To get a list of all groups available in your Microsoft 365 environment:

  • Click Microsoft 365
  • Click Reports in the left pane.
  • Under Reports, click Group Reports. Under Group Reports, click All Groups.
  • Select the desired Microsoft 365 account and click Generate.

Microsoft 365 Security Groups report

To get a list of the security groups in your Microsoft 365 setup:

  • Click Microsoft 365
  • Click Reports in the left pane.
  • Under Reports, click Group Reports. Under Group Reports, click Security Groups.
  • Select the desired Microsoft 365 account, and click Generate.

Microsoft 365 Distribution Groups report

To generate the list of all distribution groups in your Microsoft 365 environment:

  • Click Microsoft 365.
  • Click Reports in the left pane.
  • Under Reports, click Group Reports. Under Group Reports, click Distribution Groups.
  • Select the desired Microsoft 365 account and click Generate.

Microsoft 365 Group Members report

To get a list of all users who are members of a selected group in your Microsoft 365 environment:

  • Click Microsoft 365.
  • Click Reports in the left pane.
  • Under Reports, click Group Reports. Under Group Reports, click Group Members.
  • Select the desired Microsoft 365 account.
  • Select the required groups corresponding to the chosen Microsoft 365 account from the list and click Generate.

Microsoft 365 Dynamic Distribution Groups report

To list particulars of all the dynamic distribution groups:

  • Click Microsoft 365.
  • Click Reports in the left pane.
  • Under Reports, click Group Reports. Under Group Reports, click Dynamic Distribution Groups.
  • Select the desired Microsoft 365 account.
  • Click Generate Now.

Microsoft 365 Dynamic Distribution Group Members report

To get the details of users who are members of dynamic distribution groups:

  • Click Microsoft 365.
  • Click Reports in the left pane.
  • Under Reports, click Group Reports. Under Group Reports, click Dynamic Distribution Group Members.
  • Select the desired Microsoft 365 account.
  • Click Generate Now

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