Customer Support Software for Manufacturing

Manufacturing Industry and Customer Support may sound a very unusual chord but with the advent of new technologies and cheaper production options, customers support has evolved in to a differentiating point in the industry. Manufacturing companies usually boast of international clients regardless of the countries they are based out of due to the wonderful opportunities of outsourcing. Customer Help Desk Softwares have been deployed at various levels in order to streamline processes and reduce costs.

Multi site customer support - for manufacturing

There can be two sets of external interactions when it comes to a manufacturing industry. One, supporting the suppliers with regards to their orders and other would be the clients to give them support regarding the finished products. SupportCenter Plus has been used by wide range of manufacturing companies in order to support their suppliers and clients.

Key Features


  • Affordable, easy to use and quick implementation.
  • Customize Self Service Portal for clients and the respective contacts according to your needs
  • Organize and integrate computer telephony with your Customer Support in order to provide better user experience with your call center and customer support.
  • Increase support efficiency by reducing repetitive queries and high volume of tickets and calls
  • Keep the clients and their staff informed with latest information.
  • Create performance and efficiency reports of your customer support staff. Manage your resources effectively
  • 24 X 7 support for your clients.

How Business Units can be used by your Retail Outlet?

Manufacturing Companies may have different business unit divisions or different product divisions based on the size of the company. For instance our, Acme Industries has 3 different divisions Energy, Construction and Steel. Each division may have different clients, which can be associated as accounts. Each client can have different branches and each branch can be associated as sub-accounts.

Multi site customer support - for manufacturing

Each account can have their own account manager and specific contacts related to either the account or sub-accounts based on which branch contacts are present. Business units provide complete flexibility in maintaining the client information and help you to provide world class customer service at affordable price.

World's Largest Organizations Rely On SupportCenter Plus

You're one step away from faster, easier, and effective customer support.

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