Power your analytics with smarter features

Don't let valuable insights lie buried in long-winded tables. Analytics Plus empowers you with smart features so you can extract actionable insights and perform powerful computations with a single click.

Power your analytics with smarter features

Automate report creation

Analytics Plus intuitively reads imported data and applies correlation logic to create reports and dashboards automatically. You can edit and customize these reports to tailor them to your reporting requirements.

Automate report creation
Create charts from existing reports

Create charts from existing reports

Do you find yourself creating similar reports over and over again? With Analytics Plus, you can copy the reporting logic used in a table and apply it to another table to recreate the same set of reports, provided both the tables have a similar data structure.

Stay updated, even on the go

Stay abreast of important changes in your data by creating threshold-based alerts for important metrics and KPIs. Analytics Plus will send you notifications via email or in-app messages any time your metrics fall above or below your threshold value.

Stay updated, even on the go
Research historical data

Research historical data

Do you know how many open tickets there were in January 2019, or backlogs? With time, data tends to be overridden, and often lost. With data snapshots, you can capture and record each transition in your data with historical snapshots for future analysis and reporting.

Try Analytics Plus to get a holistic view of your IT.

Try Analytics Plus
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