Plan ahead and improve service delivery

Plan ahead and improve service delivery

View an accurate timeline of a change request, from when the change was requested to when it finally was implemented.

Calculate the time required to address a change, and plan your changes accordingly.

Reduce the number of unplanned and emergency changes

Reduce the number of unplanned and emergency changes

Analyze the nature of past changes by determining the number of emergency and unplanned changes over a specific period.

Using the drill down option, investigate the reason for initiating a change, and how frequently such changes were requested for, and take steps to limit the number of such changes.

Observe and correlate trends easily

Observe and correlate trends easily

Imagine a case where there are too many incoming change requests and you're worried if your technicians will be able to handle the workload.

Analytics Plus helps you correlate service desk metrics, establish different data relationships and make more informed decisions.

Try Analytics Plus to get a holistic view of your IT.

Try Analytics Plus
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