The 3-step guide to mitigate outages with unified IT analytics

The 3-step guide to mitigate outages with unified IT analytics

To deliver uninterrupted services to users and ensure that business remains up and running, it's important to eliminate outages or downtime. While this seems simple and plausible in theory, in reality, businesses are often grappling with service disruptions due to unpredictable network failure, issues with infrastructure components, human errors, or natural disasters. Increasingly complex technical architecture, as well as interwoven and interconnected systems and devices make it all the more challenging for organizations to accurately predict and prevent outages.

In this challenging landscape, merely tracking and monitoring applications and networks, and watching out for failures isn't enough. What you need is a unified framework that can pinpoint symptoms, or signals to warn you of impending system failures. In this e-book, we discuss a three-step framework to proactively identify, diagnose, and resolve potential issues before they escalate into outages:

  • Select and track reliable indicators of failure:

    Before infrastructure components and system sputter and fail, they send out signals and early warning signs. Learn what those signals are for outages resulting from component failures, human errors, and capacity constraints.

  • Set up rule-based thresholds to catch transgressions:

    Learn what the base-line and max-line thresholds are for various indicators, and discover how they can help you predict outages.

  • Gain a unified view of failure indicators:

    Overlay information from multiple indicators, and catch multi-point failures that escalate to outages.

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