OpManager Plus

Forecast reports

IT admins overseeing complex IT infrastructure are often delegated with the unenviable task of decision-making that can impact every facet of an organization, as well as make or break the IT infrastructure's health and performance. In an environment with a high margin of error, IT professionals need conclusive, in-depth reports at their disposal to make informed decisions. Poor decisions, costly omissions, or mistakes are crucial in a world where infrastructure's performance and organization's business performance are closely linked.

To make better decisions, IT admins need to be on their toes, assessing as much information as they can about different ends of the infrastructure. An area that needs continuous attention is capacity of the infrastructure that directly determines whether the needs of the organization are met promptly and efficiently. In the absence of proper capacity planning, an infrastructure can experience a number of issues.

What can go wrong because of poor capacity planning?

Capacity planning is about continuously evaluating the current capacity of the infrastructure and predicting future capacity requirements by analyzing disk utilization, performance, storage, and other metrics.

When capacity planning is non-existent, or done improperly, it can pave the way for:

  1. Downtime and service disruptions: If the infrastructure's capacity is insufficient to meet the needs of the organization, the outcome will be downtimes or service disruptions that impact business operations and potentially cause financial losses.
  2. Poor performance and slow response times: Insufficient capacity leads to an overburdened infrastructure as the demand for resources keep scaling. An overburdened infrastructure can slowly slide into paralysis, resulting in poor performance and slow response times, denting the user experience, and causing frustration and dissatisfaction among customers.
  3. Wasted resources and increased costs: Capacity planning is also about maintaining a fine balance. An incorrect assessment of capacity needs can lead to over-provisioning of resources, resulting in wasted resources and higher costs.
  4. Inefficient use of time: Inadequate capacity planning can result in IT teams spending more time on reactive measures to address performance and capacity issues, rather than on proactive planning and optimization.

OpManager Plus' forecast reports enables you to observe the future capacity needs of the infrastructure and make timely investments for network resources

ManageEngine OpManager Plus continuously monitors CPU, memory and disk, keeping you abreast of health, performance and capacity of these components. With individual forecast reports for each of these components, you can preempt impending capacity needs and started with resource allocation.

Forecast reports use current and previous performance data to predict the future growth and degrowth trends in resource utilization. The reports can be filtered according to a specific timeline like "today, yesterday, this week, last week". You can also compare the existing trends with past performance, using "this month, last month, this quarter, this year and last year. "

CPU forecast report

The CPU forecast by utilization report shows the overall CPU utilization of network devices including servers. CPU usage directly determines the processing speed of applications and when the usage is beyond the optimum threshold, it can affect the server user interface, along with the applications, bringing a disruption in the infrastructure. With CPU forecast reports, you will be promptly informed of exceeding CPU usage levels, letting IT admins optimize the infrastructure for performance improvement.

Disk forecast report

Disk forecast by utilization generates reports that are built on current performance and usage levels. Current performance statistics are then used to predict the utilization trend going into the future. The reports also segment utilization into classes (for example 80%-90%, or 90%-100%) and notifies when the utilization levels cross the optimum threshold, giving IT admins the time to take corrective measures.

Memory forecast report

Memory forecast by utilization brings up reports showing the prediction for average memory utilization from the available memory in the infrastructure. If the utilization trend is in the region of 80%-90% and above, it is time for IT admins to work on freeing up memory space so that associated processes remain unaffected.

Storage reports

OpManager Plus comes with more than 10 reports dedicated to storage utilization. This includes storage summary, redundant array of independent disks (RAID) capacity utilization, growth trend, RAID forecast by utilization, disk input/output operations per second (IOPS) and more. The RAID forecast by utilization report enables you to predict when your storage might reach 80%, 90%, and 100% of its capacity. It predicts the storage space availability using the current usage rate and usage growth rate, helping you to avoid any kind of data loss due to delay in disk addition. With RAID forecast report combined with other types of storage reports, you can elevate your capacity planning efforts, ensuring lack of capacity never surfaces as a bottleneck in your infrastructure.

NetFlow forecast reports

Monitoring and managing traffic flows is vital to ensure the infrastructure doesn't experience network slowness. With OpManager Plus NetFlow Add-on forecast reports, IT admins can track the traffic from a source like IP group, interface, access point and SSID group, and measure the traffic by volume, speed and utilization parameters.

Application forecast reports

Application performance and availability can be optimized using application forecast reports. You can measure layer 4 and layer 7 types of application, from interface or IP group source, of both incoming and outgoing traffic. After selecting source, you can choose from the top five applications, single application, or add custom applications to create custom application forecast report.

Observability is a critical component of the modern IT enterprise and their network infrastructure. OpManager Plus' forecast reports feature achieves observability into the IT infrastructure by collecting data on CPU, memory, disk, storage, network traffic flows and applications. The data and the insights derived can then be used to identify trends and patterns in infrastructure usage, enabling IT admins to predict future capacity needs and optimize accordingly. The advantage gained by the organization at large is, low instances of network slowness and an enhanced customer experience. Learn more about OpManager Plus

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OpManager Customer Videos
Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
  •  Venkatesan Veerappan, IT Consultant
     Mohd Jaffer Tawfiq Murtaja, Information Security officer from Al Ain sports club
  •  Jonathan ManageEngine Customer
     IT Admin from "Royal flying doctor service", Australia
  •  Michael Senatore, Operations Manager, Rojan Australia Pty Ltd.
     Michael - Network & Tech, ManageEngine Customer
  •  Altaleb Alshenqiti - Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs
     Donald Stewart, IT Manager from Crest Industries
  •  John Rosser, MIS Manager - Yale Chase Equipment & Services
     David Tremont, Associate Directory of Infrastructure,USA
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