Frequently asked questions

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Admin Questions

  1. How do I reset the admin password?

    For PostgreSQL :

    Follow the steps given below which will help you to reset the "admin /administrator" password as "admin".
    1. Connect to PostgreSQL Server on Port 65432 from the SupportCenter Plus server.
    2. Use the following query to reset the password
      postgres# update AaaPassword join AaaAccPassword on AaaPassword.password_id = AaaAccPassword.password_id join AaaAccount on AaaAccPassword.account_id = AaaAccount.account_id join AaaLogin on AaaAccount.login_id = AaaLogin.login_id set PASSWORD='2+uYvE3SLfO3XaHl+CaGLA==', SALT='1103287238602' where name like 'admin%';

      To find administrator login and to reset the password(if the admin login name is other than administrator)

      select aar.account_id, from aaaauthorizedrole aar left join aaarole ar on aar.role_id=ar.role_id left join aaaaccount aa on aar.account_id=aa.account_id left join aaalogin al on aa.login_id=al.login_id left join aaauser au on al.user_id=au.user_id left join sduser sd on au.user_id=sd.userid where aar.role_id=4 and sd.status='ACTIVE';

      This will list out the admin login names if the administrator name is other than admin. You can replace the name with 'admin' in the query given in step 2 to reset the password.

      Note: All the queries should be executed as a single statement in the command prompt.

    For MSSQL:

    1. update AaaPassword set PASSWORD='2+uYvE3SLfO3XaHl+CaGLA==', SALT='1103287238602' where PASSWORD_ID = ( select AaaPassword.PASSWORD_ID from AaaPassword LEFT join AaaAccPassword on AaaPassword.password_id = AaaAccPassword.password_id LEFT join AaaAccount on AaaAccPassword.account_id = AaaAccount.account_id LEFT join AaaLogin on AaaAccount.login_id = AaaLogin.login_id where name = 'administrator' )

      To find administrator login and to reset the password(if the admin login name is other than administrator)

      select aar.account_id, from aaaauthorizedrole aar left join aaarole ar on aar.role_id=ar.role_id left join aaaaccount aa on aar.account_id=aa.account_id left join aaalogin al on aa.login_id=al.login_id left join aaauser au on al.user_id=au.user_id left join sduser sd on au.user_id=sd.userid where aar.role_id=4 and sd.status='ACTIVE';

      This will list out the admin login names. Replace the "administrator" in the query given in step 2 with the login name whose password you want to reset.

      Note:All the queries should be executed as a single statement in the command prompt. 

    For MySQL :

    Follow the steps given below which will help you to reset the "admin /administrator" password as "admin".
    1. Use the following query to reset the password
      mysql> update AaaPassword join AaaAccPassword on AaaPassword.password_id = AaaAccPassword.password_id join AaaAccount on AaaAccPassword.account_id = AaaAccount.account_id join AaaLogin on AaaAccount.login_id = AaaLogin.login_id set PASSWORD='2+uYvE3SLfO3XaHl+CaGLA==', SALT='1103287238602' where name like 'admin%';

      To find administrator login and to reset the password(if the admin login name is other than administrator)
    2. select aar.account_id, from aaaauthorizedrole aar left join aaarole ar on aar.role_id=ar.role_id left join aaaaccount aa on aar.account_id=aa.account_id left join aaalogin al on aa.login_id=al.login_id left join aaauser au on al.user_id=au.user_id left join sduser sd on au.user_id=sd.userid where aar.role_id=4 and sd.status='ACTIVE';

      This will list out the admin login names if the administrator name is other than admin. You can replace the name with 'admin' in the query given in step 2 to reset the password.

      Note: All the queries should be executed as a single statement in the command prompt.

  2. How do I upgrade to the latest servicepack/hotfix/patch?
    1. Shut down the SupportCenter Plus server.
    2. Take a backup to prevent any accidental loss of data.
    3. Download the latest servicepack from our website
    4. From the [SupportCenter Home]/bin directory in the command prompt, execute UpdateManager.bat
      ex : C:\ManageEngine\SupportCenter\bin>UpdateManager.bat
    5. This opens the ManageEngine Update Manager. Browse the ppm file and click on install to continue. Do not disturb the system until the upgrade process ends.
    6. On successful installation an "Installed" message appears. Exit from the window and start the service.
  3. How do I change the database?
    1. Shutdown Supportcenter Plus server
    2. Take back up of the existing data.
    3. From the [SupportCenter Home]/bin directory in the command prompt, execute changeDBServer.bat.   
      Ex : [SupportCenter Home]/bin>changeDBServer.bat
    4. This opens the Database Setup Wizard pop up window where the database can be changed.
      1. Select the Server Type from the combo box. For ex : MsSql Server.
      2. Specify the appropriate machine (Host name) name. For ex : win-sqlserver.
      3. Specify the appropriate Port Number through which Sql server will be communicated. For ex: 1433.
      4. By default, the database name will be supportcenter in a non editable format.
      5. Specify the username and password where Sql server will get authenticated.
    5. On making the changes, Test the connection & Save.
    6. Restart the SupportCenter server.
    7. Stop SupportCenter server and Restore the back up data.

    Note : Need to enable Sql authentication as Windows authentication will not work.

  4. How do my customers access the customer portal?

    Customers can access the customer portal through, http://<Server name>:<port>/portal

  5. How can I bind SupportCenter Plus to a single IP Address?
    1. Go to <SupportCenter Home>MeSupportCenter/server/default/conf/TrayIconInfo.xml
      Edit TrayIconInfo.xml file using a vim editor or notepad
      Add "ipToBind" parameter to the following line:

      <SDP-PROPERTIES RequestScheme="http" WebPort="8080"/>
      Now, the line will look like
      <SDP-PROPERTIES RequestScheme="http" WebPort="8080" ipToBind="xxx.yyy.www.zzz"/>
      [ xxx.yyy.www.zzz is the IP address of the server on which you intend to run SC+]
    2. Uncomment the following line in the same file:
      <!--ADDITIONALPARAMS ParamName="ipToBind" ParamValue="-bxxx.yyy.zzz.www"/-->
      Now, the line will look like
      <ADDITIONALPARAMS ParamName="ipToBind" ParamValue="-bxxx.yyy.zzz.www"/>
    3. Save the changes and Restart the SupportCenter Plus Service. In case, you want to start it from the command prompt, you can edit the run.bat file and add an argument to the ManageengineDeploymentSystem.jar as follows, set ARGS=%ARGS% -LManageengineDeploymentSystem.jar -bxxx.yyy.zzz.www Save the file and stop the application to effect the changes. Restart the application again.
  6. How do I change the Web Server Port?
  7. How do I apply a patch from console or command line?
    To install a patch from console or command line : Method 1:
    Goto [SupportCenterHome]$/bin then execute

    sh -c

    And it will guide the user through the steps.

    Alternatively, Method 2 :
    sh -u server/default/conf -c -option i -ppmPath <Patch file path including patch file name> -h <Product Home>
    To un-install a patch: sh -u server/default/conf -c -option u -h <Product Home> -version <Patch version>
    To view installed patch versions: sh -u server/default/conf -c -option v -h <Product Home>
  8. How do I hide the customer portal page?
    Click on the Admin tab >> Customer Portal Settings >> Actions >> Disable.
  9. How to host SupportCenter Plus?
    SupportCenter Plus is a web based product that uses tomcat over jboss application server. The programming language is Java and the database backed is PostgreSQL. If you have installed the software on one of the servers within your network and if you register an url corresponding to the IP address of the server then, you can access it by typing the url within your network. To make it available to users on the internet, you need to expose the url to the public. Once you have hosted the product on the internet you can access SupportCenter Plus by directly typing in the URL.

    Requirements :

    Optimum Server Configuration : 2 GHz Processor, 2GB RAM, 20GB HDD

    Operating System : Windows 2000 / 2003, Windows 2008 R2 (32 bit, 64 bit), Linux Servers, VM Ware

    Database : PostgreSQL 9.2, MSSQL 2003, 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, MySQL 4.0

    Network : Internet (WAN) or Intranet (LAN)

    Browser Requirements : IE 9.0+, Firefox, Chrome.

    Hosting Procedure :

    a) Intranet :

    Step 1: Install Supportcenter Plus on a box. Configure the hostname and IP address for this box, so that it can be accessed across the LAN. You have to configure this hostname in your DNS against the IP address of the box.

    Step 2 :You have to access the Supportcenter Plus application through http://servername-or-ipaddress:portnumber/

    Step 3 :The default port on which Supportcenter Plus installs is 8080. This can be changed later. In case you do not wish to change the port but still access Supportcenter Plus on port 80 then, you should do a port forwarding. The port forwarding rule states, Request on 80 be forwarded to 8080 on the host "servername-or-ipaddress" Port forwarding can be achieved through :

    1. Firewall
    2. Apache ( Redirection rule )
    3. IIS ( Redirection rule )

    b)Internet :

    1. On the DMZ :

    Step 1: Install Supportcenter Plus on a box in the DMZ zone.

    Step 2 : If the mobile users have to access Supportcenter Plus through a hostname then, you may have to register this hostname on the DNS. ( Service Providers can help you register the DNS against its IP address. )

    Step 3 : If SupportCenter Plus is installed on the default port 8080, but, you want the users to access it as http://hostname/ ( ie., on Port 80 ), then a port forwarding rule, as stated below, should be configured in the firewall.

    Request on 80 be forwarded to 8080 on the hostname.
    In case, you have a NAT, then rule should be like the one below:
    Requests on Port 80 on IP Address a.b.c.d should be forwarded to port 8080 on IPAddress x.y.z.w
    1. On the WAN :

    Step 1 : Install Supportcenter Plus on a box in the WAN.

    Step 2 :Register the hostname of this box against its IP address. ( Service Providers can help you do this. )

    Step 3 : If Supportcenter Plus is installed on port 8080, you should follow the port forwarding rule as below :
    Request on 80 be forwarded to 8080 on the hostname.

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